FOLDABLE INSTRUCTIONS Now we are working on adding things to the second stapled sheet in your notes. Cut out all SIX person outlines found on cut out sheets 3 and 4. Like last time, cut around the label boxes but leave them attached. Sort into two piles. Put DIGESTIVE, ENDOCRINE and LYMPHATIC in one pile and NERVOUS, EXCRETORY and IMMUNE in another pile.
FOLDABLE INSTRUCTIONS Take the pile with Digestive, Endocrine and Lymphatic. Start with Lymphatic and fold back the box under the label and then tape the inside of it down on the LEFT of the outline on the BIG SHEET. Fold over so it covers the person outline. Now for Endocrine, fold back the box under the label and then tape the inside of it down on the BOTTOM of the outline on the BIG sheet. Fold over so it covers the Lymphatic System flap.
FOLDABLE INSTRUCTIONS Finally take the Digestive flap and fold down the box under the label and tape the inside of it down on the TOP of the outline on the BIG SHEET. Fold it over so that it is on top of both the Lymphatic and Endocrine system flaps. This completes the part of the LEFT.
FOLDABLE INSTRUCTIONS Now you will be doing the same with your flaps for the right. First, tape down the Immune flap on the RIGHT on the BIG SHEET and fold over. Next, tape down the Excretory flap on the BOTTOM on the BIG SHEET and fold over the Immune flap. Finally, tape down the Nervous flap on the TOP of the BIG SHEET and fold it over both the Immune and Excretory flaps.
THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM LABEL the structures labeled to the right on your picture. Digestive System
THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw…
MAIN ORGANS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Mouth Salivary Glands Pharynx (throat) Esophagus Stomach Small Intestines Large Intestines Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Rectum
THE FUNCTION OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: You need to write this information on the BACK of your digestive system FLAP. THE FUNCTION OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Takes in food (ingestion) Digest food into smaller molecules and absorb nutrients Remove solid waste (indigestable food) from body as feces
Your small intestines is 22 feet long uncoiled!! THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: Your small intestines is 22 feet long uncoiled!!
DIGESTIVE Interactions with Other Systems 1. w/circulatory – absorb & deliver the digested nutrients to the cells 2. w/muscular – control the contractions of many of the digestive organs to pass food along 3. w/nervous – hypothalamus maintains homeostasis by triggering appetite (stomach growling), digest.
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM LABEL the structures in the picture to the right on your picture Endocrine System
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw… Parts of the body that release hormones make up the endocrine system
MAIN ORGANS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: You need to write this information on the BACK of your endocrine system FLAP. MAIN ORGANS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Thymus Adrenal glands Pancreas Ovaries Testes
Regulates body activities using hormones. Slow response, long lasting THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM THE FUNCTION OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: Regulates body activities using hormones. Slow response, long lasting
THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM You produce more than 30 different hormones! ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: You produce more than 30 different hormones!
ENDOCRINE Interactions with Other Systems 1. w/circulatory – transports hormones to target organs 2. w/nervous – maintain homeostasis, hormone release 3. w/reproductive – controlled by hormones 4. w/skeletal – controls growth of bones
THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Lymphatic System On the body outline, draw and label the following as per the example to the right: Thymus Liver Spleen Neck Lymph node Axillary lymph nodes Groin lymph nodes Lymph vessels connecting the nodes Lymph Vessels
THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw… Lymph vessels are found near our blood vessels
MAIN ORGANS OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: Lymph Nodes Lymph Vessels Spleen Thymus
THE FUNCTION OF THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: 1. stores and carries WBC’s that fight disease 2. collects excess fluid and returns it to the blood (2nd circulatory system-reaches places other one can’t – between cells)
ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: You do not need to write this down. It is attached to your notes already! ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM: Lymphocytes are actually made inside your bones, in your red bone marrow
LYMPHATIC Interactions with Other Systems w/immune – holds lots of WBCs to fight pathogens 2. w/circulatory – to transport materials to and from cells
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM On the body outline, LABEL the parts of the Nervous System: Brain, Spinal Cord and Nerves. Label the Brain and Spinal Cord as the Central Nervous System and the Nerves as the Peripheral Nervous System Nervous System
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw…
THE FUNCTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: 1. gathers and interprets information 2. responds to information 3. helps maintain homeostasis
You have approximately 100 BILLION neurons just in your brain! THE NERVOUS SYSTEM You do not need to write this down. ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: You have approximately 100 BILLION neurons just in your brain!
NERVOUS Interactions with Other Systems Controls all other systems Hypothalamus – maintains homeostasis by working with all systems
THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM LABEL the following on your picture: -Kidney -Bladder -Ureter -Urethra Excretory System
THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw… Kidneys filter the waste out of your blood and it exits in your pee
MAIN ORGANS OF THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM: Kidneys Ureters Urinary bladder Urethra
THE FUNCTION OF THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM: removes waste products from cellular metabolism (urea, water, CO2) as urine 2. filters blood
The average person pees 3000 times a year! THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM You do not need to write this down. It is attached to your notes already! ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE EXCRETORY SYSTEM: The average person pees 3000 times a year!
EXCRETORY Interactions with Other Systems w/circulatory – filters waste out of blood 2. w/lungs – removes excretory waste 3. w/integumentary – removes excretory waste
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM On the body, LABEL the structures/organs on the picture to the right. Immune System
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw… If you are sick, there will be lots of white blood cells in your blood trying to fight the bacteria
MAIN ORGANS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: White Blood Cells including T Cells B Cells which make Antibodies Macrophages
THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Fights off foreign invaders in the body THE FUNCTION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: Fights off foreign invaders in the body
ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: A fever is a good sign! It means your immune system is trying to kill the invader that is making you sick.
IMMUNE Interactions with Other Systems 1. w/circulatory – transports WBCs to fight invaders 2. w/lymphatic – has lots of WBCs to fight invaders, spleen filters bacteria/viruses out of blood 3. w/skeletal – WBCs made in bone marrow 4. w/integumentary – prevents invaders from getting in
THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM LABEL the parts of the Male Reproductive System on the left diagram. LABEL the parts of the Female Reproductive System on the right diagram. Reproductive System
THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM More pictures to admire but not draw…
THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM MAIN ORGANS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: FEMALE: MALE: Ovaries 1. Testes Fallopian tubes 2. Epididymis Uterus 3. Vas Deferens Vagina 4. Urethra Cervix 5. Penis
THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM THE FUNCTION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Allows organisms to reproduce which prevents their species from becoming extinct. Males- make and deliver sperm. Females receive sperm, produce mature eggs to be fertilized and support an embryo
THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ONE INTERESTING FACT ABOUT THE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: 500 million sperm mature every day in a normal adult male and they live for 36 hours on average.
REPRODUCTIVE Interactions with Other Systems w/endocrine – controls production of sex cells 2. w/muscular – uterus contracts to give birth – controlled by hormones