Establishing an All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network Powell D1, Thomas S3, Stone J4, Dyer R3, Wallace C1,2 University of South Wales1; PRIME Centre Wales2; Public Health Wales3; Welsh Council for Voluntary Action4;on behalf of the All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network Steering Group Contact: Project Summary- The All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) has been established to provide a distinct research direction for SP in Wales. SP is being widely implemented with support from public funds, however, there are no clear agreements on definitions and there are questions as to whether it’s worthwhile, effective and provides value for money. Individuals and organisations from across Wales have come together to create a sustainable research network to build the critical evidence for SP in Wales. Its membership is open to interested individuals and groups and will include members from the third sector, higher education (academics), statutory social care and health organisations (e.g. practitioners, commissioners), members of the public, independent sector and industry members. As of June 2018, membership stands at 160 people. Background- The Wales Social Prescribing Research Network (WSPRN) is needed to provide direction as to the evidence required to demonstrate if social prescribing is worthwhile, effective and cost effective (Bickerdike et al, 2017; Price et al, 2017). Social prescribing (SP) is being widely implemented and has support from Welsh Government (WG, 2016). Whilst there are multiple definitions of SP being used with no clear agreement (WNHSC,2017; SPN, 2016), there is limited evidence to judge its effectiveness, who benefits (if at all) and its value for money (Bickerdike et al, 2017; Price et al, 2017). In Wales, the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Social Services and Wellbeing Act 2014 provide the legal framework for us all to work together to promote wellbeing and support initiatives such as SP, which promote the prevention of ill-health. At the end of 2017 a potential SP study was presented to the PRIME SUPER group during which the current evidence base for social prescribing was discussed. A number of issues and suggestions were highlighted, including: ● The difficulty in contacting GP practices and booking appointments, especially when working. ● Members welcomed the idea of non-medicalising an illness by offering social activities instead of medication. ● Concern about capacity of community and voluntary organisations to cope with demand, particularly when funding is limited and often short term. ● Concern that GPs may view SP as a means to spend less time with patients by passing them on to other organisations rather than listening to their needs. ● Some non-medical approaches have good evidence, they are effective but are under-resourced and not widely available. ● What is the benefit to patients? ● Important sources of information and contacts with vulnerable people are available: libraries, audiology services, ophthalmologists, social housing providers, voluntary sector. This has influenced the establishment of an All Wales Social Prescribing Research Network. Aim of project To develop a community of interest looking at promoting research and to build the critical evidence for SP in Wales. Objectives Develop and agree through consensus the research priorities for SP. Promote connections between academics, practitioners (with common topic interests within social prescribing) and other stakeholders to support co-produced research and evaluation. Promote and develop a critical dialogue about social prescribing research priorities by building a virtual network connected by email and face to face meetings. Explore how best we can evaluate SP. Connect local people (academics, practitioners, members of the public) and organisations to promote community engagement and co-production in developing research for social prescribing. Build a web based resource and other social media resources to promote the SP research network. Link with SP networks outside of Wales to exchange experiences and work together on new research ideas. Project Stakeholders Expected Key findings/Learning Identify eight research priorities for Wales Promote research capacity and produce an action plan for research and dissemination. Establish a format for high quality research applications PRIME Centre Wales Super Group consultation Development of a SP glossary of agreed terms Produce a minimum of 1 large grant submission per annum Produce a minimum of 2 peer reviewed articles per annum Development of regional groups with cross cutting research studies developed Delivery of interim and final reports/evaluation to stakeholders and funders. Build a web based resource and other social media resources to promote the social prescribing research network. Progression of a supportive environment and encourage researcher confidence. A detailed plan for the ongoing development and sustainability of the network following the initial 12 month funding period. Conclusion The research network will have an impact on the existing and developing SP services through enhanced communication, building evidence on individual and community outcome, social capital and value for money. Participatory Research 1 day national consensus event Nominal Group Technique Regional Events-Bangor, Rhyl, Swansea World Café Style Workshop References: Bickerdike L, Booth A, Wilson PM, Farley, K., Wright, K., (2017) Social prescribing: less rhetoric and more reality. A systematic review of the evidence. BMJ Open 2017;7:e013384. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013384 Price, S., Hookway, A., King, S., (2017) Social prescribing evidence map: technical report. Public Health Wales Observatory. Primary & Community Care Development and Innovation Hub. Public Health Wales NHS Trust. Welsh Government (2016) Taking Wales Forward 2016-2021. Gov.Wales Welsh NHS Confederation (2017) Social Prescribing and Health and well-being. Social prescribing Network (2016) Report of the Annual Social Prescribing Network Conference. 29 th January Park Crescent Conference Centre London. University of Westminster. Welcome Trust. College of Medicine.