Verification of Demographics Secure Site User Training Verification of Demographics
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Agenda Students Taking Alternative Assessments Not SE Students Taking ELL Assessments Not LEP Economically Disadvantaged Students Students Testing Out of Grade Level Accountable Students Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students &Test Verification task list Select the Accountable Students & Test Verification option from the Student Information menu. Select the ISD, District, School, and Test Period and click the [Search] button. Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students & Test Verification task list The Accountable Students & Test Verification screen lists tasks that need to be reviewed and/or acted upon for accurate accountability calculations for the school and test period selected. The screen displays the Open Date and Close Date for the task to be completed. The Status column indicates whether or not the task has been reviewed. The red icon with a “x” indicates that the task has not been reviewed. A green icon with a √ indicates that the task has been reviewed. Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Students Taking Alternative Assessments Not SE Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Students Taking Alternative Assessments Not SE Click the Students Taking Alternative Assessments Not SE link on the task list. To print the list of students, click the [Print] button. To download the list of students, click the [Download] button. Student has taken or is scheduled to take a MI-Access test and is not designated as a student with SE demographic characteristic Student has taken or is scheduled to take a MEAP-Access test and is not designated as a student with SE demographic characteristic If the student is not special education and took the wrong test, you do not need to do anything. The student will not receive a score for any MEAP-Access or MI-Access tests taken Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Students Taking ELL Assessment Not LEP Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Students Taking ELL Assessment Not LEP To print the list of students, click the [Print] button. To download the list of students, click the [Download] button. Student has taken or is scheduled to take WIDA test and is not designated as a student with LEP demographic characteristic Student is designated with a LEP demographic characteristic and has not taken or is not scheduled to take an WIDA test Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Economically Disadvantaged Students Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Economically Disadvantaged Students You can further filter this screen by Migratory and Homeless students. To print the list of students, click the [Print] button. To download the list of students, click the [Download] button. Free and Reduced Lunch Direct Certified Migratory Status (MS) Homeless (HL) This is a school year field and cannot be changed, even if incorrect Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Students Tested Out of Grade Level Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Students Tested Out of Grade Level To print the list of students, click the [Print] button. To download the list of students, click the [Download] button. Students that were submitted in MSDS at a grade level other than the grade level tested for. Tested in MI-Access in the Fall and MI-Access in the Spring using a form that was not valid for the grade the student was enrolled in. If the grade is incorrect in MSDS, an SRM needs to be submitted to MSDS to correct the grade level Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students The search can be filtered by any of the demographic fields listed in the Search Criteria section. For example, if you would like to display a list of your students who are identified as economically disadvantaged (ED), simply change the search criteria on the “ED” field to “Yes.” The “SE Discrepancy” filter can help you identify students that have taken or are scheduled to take a MI-Access or MEAP- Access assessments and are not designated as a student with SE demographic characteristic. The “LEP Discrepancy” filter can help you identify students that have taken or are scheduled to take the WIDA assessment and are not designated as a student with LEP demographic characteristic or students designated with a LEP demographic characteristic and have not taken or are not scheduled to take an WIDA assessment. The Tested column will indicate if the student tested (Y) or was pre-identified (P) for an assessment. Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students continued… Left hand side of grid Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)
Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA) Accountable Students continued… Right hand side of grid To print the list of students, click the [Print] button. To download the list of students, click the [Download] button. Bureau of Assessment and Accountability Services (BAA)