How the media can support advocacy for SCGs/social protection in Uganda Simon E. Omoding Communications Manager, ESP
Introduction & Background The Purpose of the Presentation: To clarify the role of the media in advocating for the SCGs/SP in Uganda Scheme: The Presentation will therefore deal with the following: Briefly explain social protection, senior citizens grants, SAGE/ESP Briefly highlight progress of implementation of SCG/SAGE/ESP Highlight my understanding of who the media is Show why the media should be interested in social protection/SCGs/SAGE Discuss what the media can do to support SP/SCG advocacy Elaborate some Messaging for SCGs/social protection for desired impact
Background: What is social protection/Senior Citizens Grants/SAGE/ESP Uganda’s Vision 2040 : transforming from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country by 2040, while ensuring that no one is left behind. This vision follows impressive economic performance and a series of poverty reduction strategies over the last 2 decades Steady GDP growth at 7% on average Poverty reduced from 56.4 % in 1992 to 19.7 % in 2013. But poverty , inequality of opportunity and vulnerability remain challenging to Uganda’s development!
What is social protection-Poverty & vulnerabilty
What is social protection-poverty & vulnerability The large number employed in the agricultural sector are vulnerable to: climatic shocks, pests, plant and animal diseases and price fluctuations; and those working in the informal sector usually receive low and irregular income. Poverty and vulnerability has cyclic effects with serious implications for long-term human development: Inadequate nutrition, limited access to health and education means that children cannot develop to their full potential to attract better returns to their future labour ; Yet poverty induced increases risk aversion and leads to suboptimal household economic decisions; low self esteem and social exclusion leading to the intergenerational transfer of poverty and vulnerability
What is social protection-poverty & Vulnerability Although Uganda has a strong tradition of extended family support this system is under strain due to: persistent poverty Rapid modernisation and urbanisation HIV/AIDS providing Yet, access to formal social security is extremely limited e.g. only 5% of working population are covered by formal pension scheme and only 4.5% receive some form of direct income support NSSF: 400,000 members PSPF: 51,000 members Public works: 500,000 beneficiaries/year
Social Protection,Risk & Vulnerability Social protection is therefore public and private interventions aimed at addressing risk and vulnerability among the population; safety nets MGLSD’s vision is therefore to establish a Social Protection system as part of the core government policy and planning processes to: reduce vulnerability to shocks and thereby prevent deterioration of living standards and reduce poverty support households to build more secure and resilient livelihoods. Provided for in the Constitution, NDP, NRM Manifesto 2011-16
ESP/SAGE/SCG at a glance Approved by Cabinet in June 2010 Led by MGLSD with £50 million support from development partners UGX 2 billion allocated in FY 2013/14 and 2014/15 to rollout SAGE to Yumbe
ESP/SAGE/SCG at glance The objective is to embed a national social protection system that benefits the poorest as a core element of national planning and budgeting processes ESP implementing SAGE; SAGE implementing the Senior Citizens Grants In 15 districts: Apac, Kole, Amudat, Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Katakwi, Kaberamaido, Kiboga, Kyankwanzi, Nebbi, Zombo, Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa & Yumbe
Who/what is the media “Media” is the plural of “medium” i.e (a) channels through which something is conveyed In our context sometimes, we use it to mean the journalists- the people in the press Sometimes we use “media” to mean both the “messengers” and the “channels” For purposes of strategic communication & advocacy, “media” =Journalist e.g reporter, talk show host, columnist, editor, etc
Who/What is the media in Uganda Cognizance: Communication-and along with it channels- has evolved: inter-person, Non conventional media, mass media, social media In Uganda: Proliferated media: Print/Newspaper(over 10), Radios (over 300), TV(over 10 terrestrial), now social media (blogs, facebook, Twitter, wikis, etc)
How the media works for SCG/SP advocacy The primary objective of our advocacy that media contributes to is: Increased awareness, popularity and demand for specific, comprehensive social protection interventions from the Government of Uganda in districts that are currently not benefiting from the SAGE program Media gives issues presence, amplifies Media gives issues urgency, critical-massing Media gives issues currency, in-thingness Media gives issues Proximity, relevance to the audience Media gives issues pressure, demand for action e.g calls for expansion; child sacrifice stories, tear-gassing children in Kenya Media gives issues influence & control thru information/knowledge, change of attitude Media gives issues emotion (moves from head to heart, “touching”-our case stories The challenge therefore is to exploit the potential of the media to achieve these benefits, thereby achieving the objectives
What media can do for social protection: Opportunities We would like the media to bring out: impacts, Give prominence, Give proximity, give urgency, give rationale (why Uganda should do it) News opportunities; events, issues, personality, beneficiaries, etc Features opportunities; issues, implementation, impacts Commentary opportunities: issues, impacts Discussion opportunities Q&A Other opportunities
How can media strategically & constructively engage Know the issues we are dealing with; poverty, vulnerability, Uganda’s commitments, cash transfers as a concept, social protection, direct income support Know the opportunities available for your media: News avenues, features avenues, commentary avenues, talk shows, comment/view point, Have a strategic plan to engage with social protection: e.g around international/national/district days, etc - World Poverty Day, international day for Older persons, Democracy day, human rights day, Heroes day, etc Simplify things for the public: help the public to understand; e.g is SCG hand outs or long term strategic intervention?, break down the big issues in the part manifestos for the public, in international commitments for the public, etc, There is anew story every time: depending on how you angle it the story, bending the story; e.g the coverage numbers, impacts, donor support, GoU commitments, impacts on the beneficiaries, etc
Key messages on social protection for the media Social protection is about addressing risks and vulnerabilities in people’s lives, to ensure that vulnerable people like the old are enabled to meet their minimum life needs and achieve their full potential. Social protection instruments like the Senior Citizens Grants are meant to ensure that older persons are not destitute but they live a more dignified and happier life. By supporting older persons with grants, they are enabled to access basic health care, education services for children in their care, build secure, sustainable and productive livelihoods, and become more active and productive members of the communities Social protection is not just about poverty reduction – it is also about empowerment of citizens, justice and strong citizenship. The Senior Citizens Grants is a Government of Uganda Programme and therefore does not segregate people by political party affiliation, religion, tribe or any other criteria.
Some issues the media needs to help Ugandans to understand Aimed at addressing the key knowledge/understanding issues about SCG/SP What is Social Protection? What does it uniquely bring to Uganda's development agenda? What are the benefits? Why does Uganda need Social protection? Why social protection & cash transfers at this juncture? Cost affordability issues, etc? What is the cost if Uganda doesn’t implenent?
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