Response to the Holocaust Resistance and Rescue
introduction Introduction – World War II and the Holocaust 6:34 Reviewing concepts and action from the years prior to and the start of the war This activity will involve an examination of documents, discussion and a written culminating activity which will be available online.
First they came: Pastor Martin Niemoller First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.
Elie Wiesel, author of night “The question is not why all Jews did not fight, but how many of them did. Tormented, beaten, starved, where did they find the strength – spiritual and physical – to resist?” What images does this quote spark in your mind? What comments can you make with respect to this quote? (Whole class discussion)
Draw quadrant chart Label it “Quadrant chart” VICTIM PERPETRATOR BYSTANDER RESCUER How would you define each of these roles? Which of these roles is not actively chosen? Complete each of the quadrants by writing about something from your own experience. Should these same roles apply to nations?
Document examination: Documents 2-7b In your table groups, examine Documents 2-7. Do the following in your spiral titled “Docs 2-7 Evaluation.” Answer the questions at the end of each document in your spiral. NOTE: **On Doc 6, Q1 – vis-à-vis means “in regard to” Answer this also: “Why do you think that this was the response to the Holocaust?” Decide who will speak for your group if asked to speak about the document. Give a brief summary of the document. Share your group’s responses to the questions.
Homework: Document 8 Answer the following questions in your spiral on the next spiral page titled: “Questions on Resistance” What does the word “resistance” mean? What is necessary for someone to resist something? Why would someone choose to resist something? What forms can resistance take? How do you think that resistance in a ghetto may have been different from resistance in a concentration camp? Explain How would a partisan demonstrate resistance? Partisan: member of an armed group formed to fight secretly against an occupying force, in particular one operating in enemy-occupied Yugoslavia, Italy, and parts of eastern Europe in World War II Ghetto: put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.
Document evaluation: Documents 9-17 For this part of the activity, each table group will get one document. Remove the four documents from the sheet protector. Distribute a document to each person in your group. Please do not write on the documents. Read the document. Respond to the questions at the end of your document on the backside of a page of notes in your spiral titled, “Document Evaluation – Day 2, Document #___” Choose a spokesperson who will give a brief description and summary of the document and share both the document questions and responses. All of you will consider these questions at the end: Why are these all examples of resistance? Why did some individuals choose to follow a different path from their nation?
Picture 400,000 people in 1. 3 square miles Picture 400,000 people in 1.3 square miles. That’s just like the square block from Glendora Ave. to Cypress to Bonnie Cove to Covina Blvd!
Can you picture 400,000 people in this square?
Concluding questions Do you think the words “hero” and “rescuer” are synonymous? Whom do you consider to be heroes today? Why? How do today’s heroes compare to those who became heroes during the Holocaust? Why don’t countries respond more positively to world problems today?
Homework: DBQ Assignment Go to the website and download the “Holocaust DBQ” document. Follow the directions and complete the DBQ. You have two nights to do this. Do this assignment on a separate sheet of paper. You may look at the instructions and documents on your internet connected device – you are not required to print out this document.