NATIONAL INDUCTION PACKAGE Dangerous Goods Logistics Pty Ltd


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Presentation transcript:

NATIONAL INDUCTION PACKAGE Dangerous Goods Logistics Pty Ltd TP-120 10/05/2005 Rev A NATIONAL INDUCTION PACKAGE Dangerous Goods Logistics Pty Ltd T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Section 1 OUR ORGANISATION T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

DGL Dangerous Goods Logistics (DGL) core business is the storage and distribution of Dangerous Goods and Fleet Operations. DGL and its alliance partners operate in all mainland capital cities with the exception of the Northern Territory. This extensive network allows DGL to offer a complete logistical solution to current and prospective clients. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B


QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DGL’s Quality Management System (QMS) incorporates requirements / standards for accreditation in: - ISO 9000 - NHVAS (National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme) - Major Hazard Facility Regulations - Safety Management System requirements. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY DGL aims to ensure the health and safety of all employees, contractors, casuals and visitors at DGL workplaces and external workplaces visited by DGL employees, utilising the concept of shared responsibility. Shared Responsibility is defined as: All persons are responsible for anticipating, preventing and managing OHS issues. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

ALCOHOL & DRUGS DGL endeavours to ensure a workplace environment free from drugs and alcohol for all persons. DGL reserves the right to temporarily suspend any persons from their duties if found / suspected to be under the influence of drugs and alcohol whilst on duty. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

EEO / HARRASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION DGL endeavours to conduct business in a manner that ensures fair, equitable and non-discriminatory employment and practices. DGL will discipline any employee found to be harassing, intimidating or discriminating against others in accordance with disciplinary procedures and legislative requirements. DGL supports the standard that assault, whether physical or threatened, is a criminal offence that may result in instant dismissal. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

INCIDENT PREVENTION & REPORTING Incidents that require reporting and investigation include: Injury Illness Accidents Near Misses Non-compliance with set procedures and standards Identified / observed Improvement Opportunities All incidents are reviewed by the site in order to prevent re-occurrence. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

QUESTIONS? T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B


Section 2 DANGEROUS GOODS CLASSES T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods can be defined as: “… Substances which by their nature constitute a hazard from explosion, high temperature, or by their corrosion effect.” T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

DANGEROUS GOODS Dangerous Goods are assigned a Class according to the most significant risk presented by the goods. Dangerous Goods may also be assigned a Subsidiary Risk if the goods present risk in addition to those denoted by the primary Class. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 1 – Explosives T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 2 – Gases T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 3 – Flammable Liquids T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 4.1 – Flammable Solids T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 4.2 – Flammable Solids T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 4.3 – Flammable Solids T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 5.1 – Oxidizing Agents T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 5.2 – Organic Peroxides T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 6.1 – Toxic Substances T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 7 – Radioactive Material T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 8 – Corrosive T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Class 9 – Miscellaneous T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

QUESTIONS? T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Section 3 DGL WAREHOUSING T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

LICENCES & CERTIFICATES Copies of all relevant licences and certificates are to be held by the Site Supervisor / Manager. Only trained, certified employees are to operate machinery and equipment. Worksafe Record of Notification of Dangerous Goods Handling and Storage can be found on the noticeboard at each site (where applicable). T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

SIGNING IN & OUT Site operating hours are generally 7am – 5pm, Mon – Fri. Variations of these times do occur. All employees, contactors, casuals and visitors are required to Sign In and Sign Out at the Administration Office of the site Note: Alternate arrangements for employees may exist at site level e.g. clock cards. If you temporarily depart the site at any time, you are required to complete the Sign Out and then Sign In again on your return. This is to ensure the safety of any individual is not compromised in the event of an emergency on site. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

ABSENT FROM WORK Any persons who are unable to present for work duties on the day are to notify the Site Supervisor / Manager as soon as possible. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

This is to ensure the safety of all persons on site. IGNITION SOURCES Due to the flammability / ignitability of products stored on site, all sources of ignition are to be kept away from warehouse / yard areas. This is to ensure the safety of all persons on site. Sources of ignition include but are not limited to: Scraping of forklift tynes Mobile phones Lighters Matches Cameras. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

SITE RULES & MOVEMENT AROUND SITE Site rules and movement around the site include: Pedestrians are to keep to the marked path Approach corners cautiously to avoid collision Speed of forklifts is limited to 10kph Seatbelts are to be worn at all times on sit down forklifts. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

SIGNS & NOTICES Signs and notices are placed at various locations around the site to alert persons to the location of (or presence of) items such as: Emergency Safety Showers and Eyewash Stations Forklifts Storage location of different classes of Dangerous Goods Current site First Aiders and OHS Representatives Emergency Spill Kits and PPE Kits Emergency Assembly / Evacuation Point. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

BREACH OF SAFETY “SAFETY COMES FIRST” Where a potential or actual breach of safety is observed the Supervisor / Manager is to be notified immediately. Work activities may cease if safety is compromised. A breach of safety can be reported by a visitor, casual, contractor, driver or employee. All reports of this nature are fully investigated to prevent re-occurrence. “SAFETY COMES FIRST” T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

FIRST AID Site First Aiders and first aid supplies are available for any injuries or illness that occur on site. First Aiders are trained to competency standard Level 2 Senior First Aid. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

HOUSEKEEPING There is the requirement that all individuals will clean up after themselves and maintain the standard of cleanliness and tidiness as set by DGL , whilst in the workplace. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

REMOVAL OF PROPERTY FROM SITE No equipment, plant or goods are to be removed from the site, unless with the prior notification and approval of the Site Supervisor / Manager. Removal of damaged goods or product waste is to be organised by the Site Supervisor / Manager or authorised persons only. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

PERMIT TO WORK Work Permits are required to be completed prior to commencement of some works. A Work Permit is essentially a written set of ‘work instructions’ which are issued prior to non-routine work activities, or routine work activities which are subject to specific restrictions. A Work Permit is issued on the proviso that the assessment of the proposed works has found that the work activity to be conducted can be safely undertaken in an acceptable manner, so far as practicable. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

CHEMICALS, MSDS & SEGREGATION All dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals stored on site require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that outlines safety precautions for the storage, handling and transport of the product. MSDS’s are required to identify an Australian point of contact for emergencies and be current (within 5 years of issue / revision date). Products are segregated as per Dangerous Goods regulations (Segregation charts are available on QMS: T-200 and T-220). Adherence and vigilance in storage requirements is required for the safety of all those on site. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (ERP) In event of an emergency on site, the site ERP identifies the roles and responsibilities of key people on site to combat the incident. In event of hearing an alarm all casuals, contractors and visitors are to immediately proceed to the Emergency Assembly / Evacuation Point under the direction of DGL staff and await further instructions. In the event of an incident on site, no persons are to depart the site without directly notifying the Site Manager / Supervisor (also identified as the Chief Warden in the ERP). T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

PPE - GENERAL All persons entering the operations area are to have a high-visibility vest (or uniform), and Visitor Tag if applicable. High-visibility vests and Visitor Tags can be obtained from the Administration Office for the duration of the visit. Steel capped boots are required for all persons working within operations areas. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

PPE - SPECIFIC No persons are to touch / be involved in the clean up of a chemical spill on site PRIOR TO obtaining and reading the relevant MSDS for the product. Chemical spills are to be dealt with as per Chemical Spill Procedure. Only DGL employees trained and competent in the Chemical Spill Procedure are to participate in spill containment / clean up. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

QUESTIONS? T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

NOTE: All other Inductees to continue to next slide. INDUCTION DECLARATION (Warehousing Business Unit Casual & Contractors only) It is a requirement that an Induction Declaration be signed by both the person inducting and person being inducted. The Declaration is located on the Induction Criteria Form. Click on this hyperlink now to access this form as the casual / contractor induction is now complete (F-340). Signed declaration is to be kept on file. NOTE: All other Inductees to continue to next slide. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Section 4 EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

COMMITTEES A staff Toolbox Meeting is held regularly on site for all DGL employees. This meeting is an opportunity for all concerns, issues and thoughts to be heard and documented. Minutes of meetings are available on the noticeboard. Occupational Health and Safety Meetings are held at some sites. Minutes of the meeting are available on the noticeboard. Other relevant committees may be held at site level. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Employees who handle Dangerous Goods and/ or Hazardous Substances, or operate equipment / machinery, are to undergo pre-employment and ongoing health monitoring as required. Employees are to undergo relevant health screening with company identified Medical Practitioners. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

TRAINING All employees are to undergo training as per site training schedule. Expressions of interest in attending additional / other types of training courses can be lodged with your immediate Supervisor. DGL encourages and supports training needs and requirements. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

UNIFORMS Uniforms are supplied for employees undertaking employment in the warehouse. It is the responsibility of each employee to clean and maintain uniforms to an acceptable standard of cleanliness and presentation. Employees employed in other capacities are required to present to work with clean, tidy attire. Jeans, running shoes (sneakers) and singlets are not acceptable attire. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

PAY DGL employees are paid weekly. Banking details are to be forwarded to Head Office (QLD) at commencement of employment. Subsequent changes to banking arrangements can be made. Payslips are supplied weekly and forwarded to the relevant site where the employee is located. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

EBA / POSITION DESCIPTION Some DGL sites are guided by enterprise bargaining agreements (EBA). Employees will be guided and performance appraised on the terms and conditions as outlined in their job / role Position Description. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

LEAVE All employees accrue leave on a pro rata basis and as set out under the conditions of their employment contract or relevant EBA. Applications for any leave type (eg, annual, sick, unpaid) are to be made in writing and handed to your immediate Supervisor for processing. Applications do not guarantee approval of the leave. Your Supervisor will notify you if the leave has been approved. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

SUPERANNUATION DGL contributes Superannuation payments on the behalf of all employees. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

NHVAS REQUIREMENTS DGL is continually seeking to maintain the criteria and standards required for National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) Accreditation. Any DGL employee who is to be employed as a Driver is required to also undertake a Driver Induction Package (T-190). T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

QUESTIONS? T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

NOTE: All other Inductees to continue to next slide. Drivers: click here to go to Section 5 Driver Induction Package (T-190) NOTE: All other Inductees to continue to next slide. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

Site Specific Information Hyperlink (under construction) LINKS Site Specific Information Hyperlink (under construction) Maria St Gilbertson Road Brooks Dve Wetherill Park Eagle Farm Wacol Acacia Ridge Rocklea Yatala T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B

INDUCTION DECLARATION All other Inductees – It is a requirement that an Induction Declaration be signed by both the person inducting and person being inducted. The Declaration is located on the Induction Criteria Form. All Employees (exception Drivers) have now completed induction. Please click to select relevant declaration: Induction Criteria – Warehousing Business Unit (F-340) Signed declaration to be kept on file. T-180 01/08/2006 Rev B