Immune System, Vaccines & Antivirals
How does the immune system respond to viral infections? Against virus: Prevent virus from entering a host cell Reduce the number of active viruses in the body (agglutination) Macrophages destroy and consume viruses Against infected host cells: Immune system destroys host cells
How does the immune system respond to viral infections?
Why is flu shot always recommended every year?
What is a vaccine? How does it work? Please play video Play Video:
What is a Vaccine? Vaccines contain a weakened or killed virus that allows the host body to build immunity to the disease. Prevents the spread of viruses.
A little history about Vaccine (How was vaccine developed?) Edward Jenner English doctor, the pioneer of smallpox vaccination and the father of immunology. Used cowpox to make smallpox vaccine Please show the students video Play Video:
Treatments for Viral infections? Antiviral drugs inhibit the development of viruses by blocking their attachment to host cells. Blocking surface protein (key) Targets specific viruses. Do not kill the viruses (they are not living) Example: Tamiflu antiviral
How Antiviral drugs work
What is NOT a treatment for viral infection? Antibiotics CAN NOT be used to treat viral infections. WHY? “Anti”= against “Biotics” = living Antibiotics are only used to treat bacterial infections (kill bacteria). Antibiotics can not kill a virus (non-living).
PUTTING VIRUSES TO GOOD USE Viruses have many good uses: act as vehicle to introduce new genes into other organisms. Vaccines Agriculture Viruses in agriculture Modification and genetic engineering methods can be used to make modified genomes that can be carried into plants and animals by viruses acting as vectors or vehicles. This method can lead to more productive transgenic animals and plants. Viruses in medicine Viruses are being used as vectors or carriers that take the required material for treatment of a disease to various target cells. They have been studied extensively in management of inherited diseases and genetic engineering as well as cancers Viruses in bacteriophage therapy These are highly specific viruses that can target, infect, and (if correctly selected) destroy pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriophages are believed to be the most numerous type of viruses accounting for the majority of the viruses present on Earth. These are basic tools in molecular biology. They have been researched for their use in therapy. Genetic Engineering
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Current Event Discussion Some parents think that vaccines should not be given to their kids to prevent unwanted side effects. (i.e. autism) Physicians think that all children should be vaccinated due to larger risk of contracting a viral infection. Where do you stand? Be prepare to share your thoughts. Teachers, you can ask the students to stand on two sides of the class have the students share their thoughts.
Current Event Discussion Teachers, you can ask the students to stand on two sides of the class have the students share their thoughts.