Sample American Citizenship Test with special thanks to Mrs. Pluta
What are the colors of our flag? red, white, & blue How many stars are there on our flag? 50 What color are the stars on our flag? white What do the stars on the flag signify? the states How many stripes are there on the flag? 13
What colors are the stripes on the flag? red & white What do the stripes on the flag signify? the 13 original states How many states are there in the U.S.? 50 What is the 4th of July? Independence Day What is the date of Independence Day? July 4th
From what country did the U.S. win independence? Great Britain or England What country did we fight during the Revolutionary War? Great Britain Who was the first President of the United States? George Washington
Who is the President of the United States today? Donald J. Trump Who is the Vice President of the United States today? Mike Pence Who elects the president of the United States? The Electoral College Who becomes President of the U.S. should the president die? The Vice President
For how long do we elect the President? four years What is the Constitution? the supreme law of the U.S. What do we call a change to the Constitution? an amendment How many changes are there to the Constitution? 27
How many branches or main parts are there in the U.S. government? three Name and describe the branches. Executive: President, enforces the laws Judicial: Courts, interprets the laws Legislative: Congress, makes the laws Who makes the laws in the United States? Congress What are the two houses of Congress? Senate and House of Representatives
What are the duties of Congress? representation, legislation, & education Who elects Congress? the people How many senators are there in the U.S. Congress? 100 Name the U.S. senator(s) from Ohio. Sherrod Brown & Rob Portman For how long do we elect each senator? six years
How many Representatives are there in the U.S. Congress? 435 For how long do we elect each Representative? two years What are the duties of the Supreme Court? to interpret the Constitution What is the supreme law of the United States? The Constitution
What is the Bill of Rights? the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution What is the capital of Ohio? Columbus Who is Ohio’s current governor? John Kasich If the President & the Vice President both die, who becomes President? Name this person. Speaker of the House of Representatives, currently Paul Ryan
Who is the current Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court? John G. Roberts Name the original states. Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, & Rhode Island Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death”? Patrick Henry (at the time of the Revolutionary War)
Which countries were our enemies during WWII? Germany, Italy, & Japan What were the last two states admitted to the U.S.? 49th: Alaska, January 1959 50th: Hawaii, August 1959 How many terms can a President serve? two Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.? a black minister and civil rights activist
46. Who is the head of your local government? Elyria: Holly Brinda Lorain: Chase Ridenour Sheffield: John Hunter North Ridgeville: David Gillock Wellington: Barb O’Keefe Columbia Station: 3 trustees (Mark Cunningham, Mike Musto, Dick Heidecker) and 1 fiscal officer This info. may be outdated Amherst: David Taylor Avon: James Smith Avon Lake: Greg Zilka LaGrange: Kim Strauss Grafton: Megan Flanigan Oberlin: Eric Norenberg, City Manager Sheffield Lake: Dennis Bring
Name the requirements for a person to be eligible to become President. must be native born 35 years old Lived in U.S. for 14 years When will the number of Senators change? when we admit a new state to the union Who nominates the Supreme Court justices? the president
How many Supreme Court justices are there? Who is the newest justice? nine Neil M. Gorsuch Why did the Pilgrims come to America? religious freedom What is the head executive of a state government called? governor What is the head executive of a city government usually called? mayor
What holiday did American Colonists start? Thanksgiving Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? July 4, 1776 What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence? that all men are created equal
What is the national anthem of the United States? The Star Spangled Banner Who wrote our national anthem? Francis Scott Key Where could we find the “freedom of speech” rule? our first Amendment to the Constitution What is the minimum voting age in the United States? 18
Who signs bills into law? the President What is the highest court in the United States? The U.S. Supreme Court Who was the President during the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? freed the slaves
What special group advises the President? the Cabinet Which President is called the “Father of our Country”? George Washington Who helped the Pilgrims in America? The Native Americans The first Pilgrims sailed to America on what ship? the Mayflower
What were the original states of the U.S. called? colonies Name three rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. freedoms of speech, press, religion, to bear arms, and assembly no quartering of soldiers, no excessive fines to a warrant, not to be tried for the same crime twice, trial by jury Who has the power to declare war? Congress
Name an amendment which guarantees or addresses voting rights. 15th - color doesn’t keep people from voting 19th – women may vote 23rd – D.C. votes in national elections 24th – no tax for voting 26th – age 18 for voting (had been 21) What kind of government does the U.S. have? a Democracy…specifically a Republic
Who was President when the first American walked on the moon? Richard Nixon In what year was the Constitution written? 1787 To what are the first ten amendments to the Constitution commonly referred? the Bill of Rights Name one purpose of the United Nations. to maintain world peace to provide economic support
Where does Congress meet? in the Capitol Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution? everyone’s—citizens and non-citizens alike What is the introduction to the Constitution called? The Preamble Name one benefit of being a citizen of the United States. Vote! & run for office
What is the most important right granted to U.S. citizens? the right to vote Where is the capital of the United States? Washington, D.C. What is the White House? the President’s residency Where is the White House located? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; Washington, D.C.
Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Services? the President Who was the first President to be Commander in Chief? George Washington In what month do we vote for the president? November In what month is the new president inaugurated? January
How many terms may a Congressman serve? no term limits How many terms may a Senator serve? What are the two major political parties in the United States? Democrat Republican
What is the U.S. Capitol? where Congress meets How many representatives to Congress does Washington, D.C. have? one What is freedom of religion? you can practice any or no religion What is the economic system in the United States? a capitalist or market economy
98. Name two Cabinet level positions. Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Defense Secretary of Education Secretary of Energy Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Homeland Security Secretary of Interior Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of State Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Treasury Secretary of Veterans' Affairs Secretary of Labor Attorney General
What is the last day to send in your federal income tax forms? April 15th Name one U.S. territory. Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands Guam Where is the Statue of Liberty? New York Harbor on Liberty Island
Name one state that borders Mexico. California New Mexico Texas Arizona What ocean is on the East Coast? Atlantic During the Cold War, what was the major concern of America? Communism
105. Name three American Indian tribes in the United States. Sioux Navajo Cherokee Pueblo Apache Chippewa Choctaw Lakota Oneida Crow Teton Iroquois Blackfoot Creek Seminole Huron Cheyenne Arawak Mohegan Shawnee Inuit Hopi