College and Career Readiness First-Year Students
Education and Career Action Plan Using high school as a springboard into something meaningful beyond high school. Only five different pathways: 4 year university 2 year college Technical School Military Straight to Work
What you should be doing Talk to you parents about which pathway appears best for you Prepare for PSAT and AzMERIT tests Take the ASVAB test next year Get involved in the community through volunteering Enroll in a JTED program
JTED Programs—Off-Campus
Wilson Students: User Name: Student ID Number Password: Ironwood2021 Coronado Students: User name: Student ID Number Password: First letter of first name, capitalized, followed by last name, followed by 2021 Example: Dgarcia2021 All Other Students: User name: ironwoodrhs Password: 4azcis02
Now that you have created a user name and password, write them down: In your planner On your phone In a notebook On the back of your hand On the back of your friend’s hand You will be coming back to this site over and over again, so make the username and password part of your life so you don’t spend valuable time trying to find your username and password every time we ask you to log in. Capicse?