My Brother Martin A sister remembers
Genre Biography: A story about the life of a real person written by someone else.
Strategy Evaluate -Readers evaluate a text by drawing conclusions about the authors purpose.
Skill Author’s Purpose: -An author’s purpose may be to entertain, persuade, or inform. A good reader evaluates the author’s purpose to make sound judgments.
unsuspecting (verb) trusting
unfair (adj) not fair or just
ancestors (noun) people in the past from whom one comes.
injustice (adj) unfairness
avoided (verb) stayed away from
segregation (noun) the practice of setting one racial group apart from another
numerous (adj) forming a large number; many
Story Words Waning: becoming smaller or fewer in numbers Streetcar: a vehicle that holds many passengers and runs on rails through city streets Indignity: something that insults a person’s self-respect Bigotry: hatred or intolerance toward and entire group or people; prejudice
Grammar Verb Tenses -The tense of a verb tells you when in time an action is happening.
Present-tense A present-tense verb shows that the action is happening now or is happening over and over: Thomas looks at the gray sky.
Past-Tense A past-tense verb shows action that has already happened.
Future-tense A verb in the future tense shows action that will happen.