War and Peace in Europe, 1920 - 45 Date: Book 2, Topic 1A, War and Peace in Europe, 1920 - 45 Date: Objectives Examine the most important event of the twentieth century, World War 2 Understand what lead up to and caused World War 2. Warm-up – question What happens to a country, to a people, to someone like you, after they lose a war do you think? Inspecting work
Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy. Self-determination: The right of people of one race and language to choose their own government. Reparations: Refers to the money that Germany had to pay as compensation for the damage it caused in World War 1. Democracy: A country where the people elect a government freely Questions 1,3,4,6 page 11. Involves reading pages 7-11.
Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy. Dictatorship: A country led by a single leader or party without free elections. Communism: A political system that believes the wealth of a country should be held in the hands of the state for the common good of the people. Fascism: A Political movement that emerged in Europe in the interwar years. Fascists believed in a dictatorship and extreme nationalism. They were anti-communist. Questions 1,3,4,6 page 11. Involves reading pages 7-11.
Notes in Notes copy, Questions in Exercise copy. The League of Nations: An organisation set up after World War 1 to keep world peace. Questions 1,3,4,6 page 11. Involves reading pages 7-11. Page 15 – Questions 1-8 Finish for homework.
Cooldown I think.... Write one I know.... sentence with I wonder.... these at the start