Embedding information literacy into the curriculum Mary Barden Dawn Grundy Graeme Prescott Welcome. The format of todays session is that I’ll explain the context of work on IL. GP will demonstrate the IL content we’ve developed and then Dawn will lead a short practical session where we want to examine/discuss how you may use the IL tools in the classroom.
Information Literacy? Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. CILIP – Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals http://www.cilip.org.uk Q: are people aware of what information literacy means? This is a broad definition from cilip, one of the professional bodies for our sector. There are more details of what is included in each of these section but in terms of the context for our students its needing academic material for their assignments, be aware of what available, how to search for it, how to critically evaluate it, academic writing and correct referencing. Obviously a student that attains the IL skills is likely to be confident and successful which has implications for retention and employability.
IL at UoB! University of Bolton Information Literacy Framework, 2008. https://www.bolton.ac.uk/LEPDU/Documents/InformationLiteracyFramework.pdf This framework describes the learning outcomes and competencies/skills which students should achieve at each level of their university life. Q:Has anyone seen any formal reference to IL on any documentation? The framework was written Shirley Ward and other senior University staff. It describes in detail the core competencies that students should achieve in order to be successful. I’m not going to show that in detail now, you’ll see it in practice later on and you can look at the framework to see what it based on etc. So how was this framework supposed to be used? It was supposed to be embedded into programmes of study, staff training, included in programme handbooks, validations etc. This has only happened to a limited extent – eg, health. But IL was included in the library remit, So how could we take it forward?
Obviously the information contained in a study skills tutorial like bissto covers all of the required IL skills – explanation of academic info, search skills and how to use the information. The redevelopment of BISSTO gave us the opportunity to add some formal info about IL for staff and students and develop some assessment tools based on UoBs framework which you can direct students towards or use in the classroom, particular in skills or personal development modules. GP will now show you the IL BISSTO content.
How can you use BISSTO in the classroom? Group Work How can you use BISSTO in the classroom? Q:Has anyone seen any formal reference to IL on any documentation? The framework was written Shirley Ward and other senior University staff. It describes in detail the core competencies that students should achieve in order to be successful. I’m not going to show that in detail now, you’ll see it in practice later on and you can look at the framework to see what it based on etc. So how was this framework supposed to be used? It was supposed to be embedded into programmes of study, staff training, included in programme handbooks, validations etc. This has only happened to a limited extent – eg, health. But IL was included in the library remit, So how could we take it forward?
What’s Next? Future Plans Digital Literacy New sections Collaboration with other parts of the University Q:Has anyone seen any formal reference to IL on any documentation? The framework was written Shirley Ward and other senior University staff. It describes in detail the core competencies that students should achieve in order to be successful. I’m not going to show that in detail now, you’ll see it in practice later on and you can look at the framework to see what it based on etc. So how was this framework supposed to be used? It was supposed to be embedded into programmes of study, staff training, included in programme handbooks, validations etc. This has only happened to a limited extent – eg, health. But IL was included in the library remit, So how could we take it forward?