It’s what’s weighing me down…. GRAVITY
Gravitation is a force It means that one thing is attracted to another. Kinda like magnets. The bigger the magnet, the stronger it sucks iron toward it. (usually)
Everything in the universe is affected by gravitation The biggest wins! Whether an object will be pulled toward another object or will be the one doing the pulling is determined by size.
The biggest wins An apple pulls on the earth The earth pulls on the apple The earth is MUCH larger, so the earth wins The apple falls to the ground, or more accurately is pulled toward the center of the earth.
Gravity pulls on you, too You pull on the earth The earth pulls on you The earth wins because it is SO much bigger If you put a bathroom scale in between you and the earth, it measures the force that the earth is pulling on you, or your weight.
Everything in the universe has gravity The sun has at least 100 times more gravity than the earth because it is so much bigger than the earth. The sun’s gravity is what holds the earth in orbit. It is constantly pulling on earth and the other planets.
Everything in the universe has gravity Other planets have gravity too. The larger the planet, the more it pulls on other things around it. Your weight would change according to the size of the planet you were standing on.
Lose some weight! Weight is measured in Newtons PLANET earth mars jupiter SIZE same smaller larger WEIGHT of 8th GRADER 120 N Weight is measured in Newtons Your weight is your mass multiplied by the force of gravity that you are experiencing. You weigh less on a smaller planet because there is less gravity pulling on your mass.
Your mass doesn’t change If you have a mass of 80 kg on earth, you will still have the same number of particles in your body if you travel to the moon. You will have less WEIGHT on the moon because the force of gravity is less.
The force of gravity depends on how far from the center of the planet you are If you climb a large mountain, you will weigh SLIGHTLY less because you are farther away from the center of the earth. If you dive deep into the ocean you will weigh more.