Why do you think this is? DO Now: March 23, 2010 “More than 70 years ago, the very first superheroes debuted in the dire times of the Great Depression and the early years of World War II.” Douglas Hyde, CNN Why do you think this is? Your task is to create a superhero whose superpower is to fight one of the causes (look back at your notes!) of The Great Depression What is your superhero’s name? What is their superpower? What cause of the great depression does he/she fight?
Superheroes of the Great Depression EXTRA CREDIT- Draw your superhero and illustrate his/her superpower. Use color and be creative!!
Causes Uneven Prosperity Personal Debt Playing the Stock Market Over Production of Goods
Agenda AIM- If only 3% of Americans owned stock, so how did the Crash hurt everyone? Discuss Do-Now- review causes Notes The Panic is On! A song from the Great Depression A Depression Family Album Remember to turn in your sentences!!
Black Tuesday! Dow Jones Industrial Average crashed Sept 3, 1929 = 381 Nov 13, 1929 = 198.7 $30 billion loss
Ripple Effects of Crash Only 3% of Americans owned stock, so how did the Crash hurt everyone?
Risky loans hurt banks. Businesses couldn’t repay risky loans after Crash. Consumer borrowing. Banks called in loans & customers couldn’t repay.
3. BANK RUNS! People were scared that the bank would run out of money and rushed to withdraw all of their money. Banks had to call in even more loans. Bank failures. 5,500 banks shut down. Savings wiped out. 9 million people lost their savings accounts.
Cuts in production. Businesses couldn’t borrow money and people stopped spending money. Unemployment. As production and spending decreased, lay offs increased. Further cuts. High unemployment results in even less spending. That causes more job loss. How did the crash hurt everyone? What specific hardships do you think people faced?
THE PANIC IS ON!! Listen carefully to the song and take notes: What will does the singer say will happen if something is not done? What are some problems the singer has? What are some jobs people are doing? Why? What is the singer going to do if his luck doesn’t change?