Drivers of Dairy Genetics Research Isaac Haagen Maci Mueller Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
Objective Determine the people, locations, and scope of dairy genetic research over the last 5 years
The Database Methods Variables Date range: 2012 - 2017 (August) Search terms: Dairy genetics, dairy genomics, dairy and genetics, dairy and genomics Exclusions: dairy cattle not mentioned in title or abstract Variables authors, corresponding author, organization name, organization type, organization country, journal, year, keywords, and citations
Rest of presentation only JDS Summary Counts Journals: 60 Corresponding Authors: 591 Organizations: 237 Countries: 47 Rest of presentation only JDS
Most cited articles in Journal of Dairy Science Author Article Title Citations HAYES, BJ Improving accuracy of genomic predictions within and between dairy cattle breeds with imputed high-density single nucleotide polymorphism panels 176 PSZCZOLA, M Reliability of direct genomic values for animals with different relationships within and to the reference population 90 PENASA, M Genetics and modeling of milk coagulation properties 74 VANRADEN, PM Genomic imputation and evaluation using high-density Holstein genotypes 69 PRYCE, JE Accuracy of genomic predictions of residual feed intake and 250-day body weight in growing heifers using 625,000 single nucleotide polymorphism markers 66
Summary Wide range of countries Universities – high paper count Governments – high impact Important keywords – genomic evaluations, novel/functional traits
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