Health Strategies Group 12/1/2018 Health Strategies Group Author/Artist Managing the High-Needs Population Is Clearly the Top Challenge for Medicaid Payers All payers indicate that high-need populations pose significant challenges to high quality. Over seventy percent of Medicaid payers rank this as a top three challenge to their plan. The challenge of consumer engagement is most difficult between Medicaid and commercial payers. Medicaid payers have a unique challenges in keeping their beneficiaries engaged. One third of Medicaid payers find it difficult to provide enough incentives for physicians to treat this population. Medicaid Plans Face Unique Challenges In Supporting Their Population (Percentage plans ranking as top-three challenge) Abbreviations: EMR, electronic medial record; MTM, medication therapy management. n=32 commercial plans, n=31 Medicare plans, n=24 Medicaid plans Source: Health Strategies Group, Value, Quality, and Reimbursement, March 2018.