Voluntary work A lot of voluntary work Measures for restorations of village halls, lakes, beach, marina, playgrounds, hiking paths with shelters, sportsplaces, sceneries ect.
Village movement arises from 1970-s to resist moving to cities Village commitees village associations Against reducing the services Organize fun together
About 15 years of developing villages connected with leader-like financing Suomen kylätoiminta ry (SYTY) Village Action association of Finland 19 regional village associations 3900 villages, with 2800 village assosiations -> common targets, planning for long periods, projects in every level
Village association – village as local developer and actor Association, registered = juridical actor, volunteers Open to everybody, political independence, horizontal Building cooperations, coordinating Publicity : village news, websites, -lists, notice board Actions Own projects or participating in projects
Village Development Plan – Our common future? What are the common needs, problems and interests How our villige is going to be a better place to live? Villageplan – long time planning period, - common will to develop own village - wide participation - it leads to action
I. Compiling the village plan with a shorter way: 1.Open participatory village meeting 2. Writing the issues into spreadsheed form, some volunteers with help of the villagecoordinator
Steps in the VDP process (1) The board of the villageassociation decides how the process will be – Why to do a VDP –Getting everybody involved –How to connect the municipality to the process –SWOT Village meeting for all –Current situation – Our village in the future (positive brainstorming) –What should be changed to achieve that future –Priorities –Who wants to participate in working groups
Steps in the VDP process (2) (A questionnairy for inhabitants if needed) Writing the plan, version one Feedback from assosiations and actors – who are responsible for which implementation –Schedule Writing the definite plan A villagemeeting to accept the plan Implementation Follow-up of the VDP
RAVIOSKORPI VILLAGE PLAN ( in SYSMÄ) Village meeting 26 October 2007, copy typing 6 November OBJECTIVESCURRENT STATUSACTIONSSCHEDULE AND IMPLEMENTATION Restoring and maintaining school as a village house - Condition evaluation was done on 6 November Water pipelines date back to construction year of Sewer network dates back to construction year - Heating radiators must be surveyed - Rainwater is able to access foundation structures - Sauna department needs to be renovated - Water pipeline renovation in 2008, rainwater drains in 2008 and renovating plumbing system by means of project funding to comply with current regulations - Renovating sauna (painting floor, walls) by means of community effort - Maintenance and utilisation rules (rental price list) ASAP More versatile activity in the school: For men and the young in particular - Versatile hobbies: clubs of the Civil College: sowing, exercising, felt cloth making, music lessons for children - 4H club alternately in stables and school - Parish club for children and young - Jogging track and playing field - Short skiing track - Lantern skiing - Hobbies for men not available - Exercising: More equipment in miniature gym and increasing utilisation degree of field and jogging track - Village events: Christmas parties, summer evenings, summer festivals, rummage sales, concerts (accordion, student, visitors) - Village evenings: singing, themed evenings, lectures, chatting evenings - Events provided by external parties (village can take care of, for example, catering) Women will promote men in their activities, challenging to exercising - Long skiing track on the ridge - Starting weaving Backwoods culture- Valuable cultural environment in the province, offered as cultural environment of national significance: most extensive united residential area built after the war in southern Finland - Village history - Village book published in 2006, village and settlement history being gathered - Extensive level fields surrounded by ridges Selecting Adopted Village 2008! - All information gathered and used - Mr Tauno Virtanen to tell about the village - Planning villages own cultural event - Co-operating with municipality of Sysmä and Sysmä Summer Music Festival: proposing backwoods culture as event theme - Also studying prehistory and settlement (crofters and farm leaseholders) - Study group - Networking and marketing in entire Finland Practices: as many people as possible included in the activity - Village association established in summer Acquiring new members - Communications: village ing list, village bulletin (neighbours will tell about events to those who do not have ), bulletin board and other communications - Village website - Improving co-operation: neighbouring villages across village borders, municipality of Sysmä, companies, other organisations, etc. - Utilising know-how in our village - Inviting summer residents to participate in the activity - Immediately Acquiring funds- Started from nothing- Membership fees and contributions - License to collect money acquired - Income from rents of the school, etc. (apartments, office, classrooms, storage premises, party premises) - Subsidies - Donations - Project funding for investments and development (Leader) - Rummage sales, flea markets, events, catering More residents - Approximately 50 households - Two apartments in the school: one rented out. Office premises rented out. - Surveying available real properties and vacant houses, Sysmän kehitys will market, also marketed on the website in the future - Good tenant for school apartment - Strengths of village promoted in marketing Services- Studying opportunities for arranging day- care in lower form facilities and need for day-care among villagers - Village house available for hobby activities and service providers from the outside - Trekking stables - Services of entrepreneurs (approximately 20 of them) - Water cooperative - Fast data communication connections (broadband) - Boat harbour in Lake Nuoramoinen - One bus to Sysmä Church and Nuoramoinen every weekday - Transportation to school - Studying villagers needs and service providers from outside of the village - Neighbourly help and friend service - Village caretaker assisting in many issues (cleaning, repairs, running errands, yard work, etc.) - Studying joint solutions to meet wastewater regulations - Condition of boat harbour? - Studying and communicating information about transportation to school Improving road system - Good location - Road between Ravioskorpi and Heinola (country road) winding, narrow and hilly - Improving road connection to Heinola: surveying worst sites (e.g. Kukkumäki Hill), offering initiatives to road district and municipalities together with neighbouring villages - Repairing tarmac between Kalkkinen and Nuoramoinen
LÄNSI-HOLLOLA VILLAGE PLAN NOVEMBER 2007 OBJECTIVESCURRENT STATUSPROPOSED ACTIONSSCHEDULE AND IMPLEMENTATION SOLIDARITY CO- OPERATION Promoting the Youth Association House as a village house - Meeting place and party premises for entire village, associations and private persons - Civic Colleges knitting and exercising activities - Get-togethers for the young - Rent income from parties - Open village evenings at the house: coffee, karaoke, poker, ping pong, etc. - Rules for using the house (e.g., reservations, division of costs) - Marketing the house for parties all year round (Lahti Travel, etc.) - More hobby activities, plays, etc. - Guest amateur theatres - Church clubs and events - Starting on 31 October 2007, theme + discussion - Youth Association will draw up and deliver schedule to other associations - Youth Association will check information on website - Theatre group started in September Evening of singing most loved Christmas carols in co-operation with Martha Organisation Hobbies for children and the young - Youth evenings at the house in wintertime - Sports school in summertime - Co-operation with a group home taking care of children committed to care - Ice rink cooling group - Scouts - Sports - Youth theatre - Negotiations with the group taking care of children committed to care - Bulleting must include query for those willing to do voluntary work; model from Virenoja village - Objective is to start scouts activity - Ping pong and badminton in the summer; volley ball and Finnish baseball in the summer - Orienteering - Starting in autumn 2008, co- operation with, for example, Uskila School Fast and functional communications - Joint village bulleting will be delivered to every home by means of voluntary workers approximately four times a year Village service list from Website updated, web bulletin board - Starting collecting of village ing list - Updating service list information - Village association will take care of this task: collecting of village e- mailing list will start in village evening events Western Hollola as a municipal development area - One deputy municipal councillor - One deputy member in technical commission - At least two local councillors - Own independent Western Hollola group - Election preparation event combined with another topical subject - Election in autumn Gathering of candidates will begin in autumn First meeting in autumn Voting for own candidates will be continuously promoted