Soil Origin and Development INTRO TO SOILS – CH 2 Soil Origin and Development
THE SOIL BODY Pedon – smallest body which can be called a soil Three-dimensional Typically extends down to depth of plant root
THE SOIL BODY Polypedon – two or more contiguous pedons Form a Soil Series Soil Series are the lowest official category in the soil taxonomy
THE SOIL BODY Weathering of rocks and minerals forms pedons Two types of weathering: Physical weathering Chemical weathering Eventually, a layer of young soil develops
THE SOIL BODY Three types of rock: Igneous Sedimentary Metamorphic
THE SOIL BODY Five (5) Soil Forming Factors Parent Material Climate Living Organisms (plant and animal) Topography Time
THE SOIL PROFILE Soils change in response to their environment Four processes of change: Additions Losses Translocations Transformations
THE SOIL PROFILE As a soil ages these changes lead to formation of horizontal layers known as: Soil Horizons These horizons may be exposed when digging into the soil revealing the: Soil Profile
THE SOIL PROFILE Master Horizons: A, B, C Main Horizons: O, A, E, B, C, R Coded layers of horizon with distinct characteristics Not all horizons will always be present!
THE SOIL PROFILE Subdivisions and Suffixes may further define the main horizons e.g. AB, Ap, Bt, Bky See Appendix 4 for suffix explanations