Faculty Development AQIP Project Team Melanie Harvey, Science, Chair Andrea Broomfield, English Mark Swails, Library Myra Young, Speech Darla Green, Interior Design Matthew Schmeer, English
Work of our Team Solicited Feedback from Faculty in Public Forums Conducted a Survey of Full-time Faculty (Appendix A) Conducted a Parallel Survey of Adjunct Faculty (Appendix A) Researched Peer Institutions (Appendix B) Identified a Model Institution (Appendix C) Established Recommendations
Recommendation—Organizational Faculty development should reside in the Academic Affairs branch of the college.
Recommendation–Physical Space Center for Faculty Excellence Physical location Accessible Centrally-located Space for Collaboration and Instruction Resources for Faculty
Physical Space Conference Room The Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL) is located in Building L, Room L244, adjacent to the Library. The CTL’s facilities are available for use by faculty and staff.
Instructional Classroom Faculty and Staff Lab
Recommendation—Information The Center needs a well-organized, current, and easily navigable website and handbook which include all important opportunities.
Also in Appendix C of Report Spring Workshops https://ctl.morainevalley.edu/wp- content/uploads/2017/12/SP18- CTL-Official-Booklet-Accessible- Online-Version.pdf Also in Appendix C of Report Website: https://ctl.morainevalley.edu
Recommendation—Faculty Leadership Led by HLC-qualified faculty who are currently teaching students Faculty Development Advisory Committee Faculty from across all disciplines and programs Organize faculty development activities Director of Faculty Development Chair the Faculty Development Advisory Committee A full-time faculty member Reassign time and compensation similar to a chair of a larger academic department. 12-month commitment
Faculty Development Director Committee Membership: Designing professional development opportunities for faculty. Researching and developing resources for faculty. Chairing the faculty development committee which consists of faculty representatives from all academic and student development subdivisions. Providing feedback regarding the professional development opportunities and recommending workshop topics that can benefit the faculty body. Assisting with the planning, coordination and facilitation of learning college day and faculty development days. 2 faculty members from Career Programs 3 faculty members from Science, Business and Computer Technologies 3 faculty members from Liberal Arts 1 faculty member from Counselors and Advisers 1 faculty member from Librarians and Technicians 1 faculty member from Enrichment Programs 1 administrative representative
Recommendation—Support Staff The Center should also include Educational Technology LMS Training Personnel Adequate Support Staff
Staff Cynthia Anderson Dean, Academic Development and Outreach Sara Gallagher Assistant Dean, Center for Teaching and Learning Kristine Christensen Director, Faculty Development Scott Leturno Academic Technology Professional and LMS Administrator Lisa M. Lezon Dyrda Manager, Learning Management System and Online Learning Anthony V. Marcasciano Manager, Instructional Development Services Sue McNulty Secretary, CTL Matthew Piper Manager, Staff Training & Development Samantha Thirstrup Departmental Assistant, CTL
Recommendation: Travel $20,000 budget for travel funds to supplement other faculty travel funds
Recommendation: Program Faculty Development The Center for Faculty Excellence should have a budget that allows for the development of program and department-level faculty development opportunities and guest speakers
Recommendation: PDD 4 PDD Days per year: 2 belong to Administration, 2 are Faculty Development Faculty Development Days are mid-semester: “Learning College Day” Additional Workshops (see catalog) throughout year: 30- 40% participation rate Untangle the faculty-specific items Designate time
Potential Future AQIP Projects Establish Faculty Development Advisory Committee Travel Funding Opportunities Funding levels Processes