Blockchain's Coming Impact on Community, Science, and Society (Cryptocurrency is only the beginning) Mark R. Waser D161T4L W15D0M/Digital Wisdom Institute Mark.Waser@Wisdom.Digital
Latinum Latinum cannot be replicated Latinum is a rare silver liquid used as currency by many worlds, most notably the Ferengi Alliance. Latinum cannot be replicated and the reasons for its rarity are unknown.
Bitcoin Bitcoin is a currency without a government Nassim Taleb
Alternatives Barter Government “Fiat” “In-game” Currency Lack of fungibility leads to inefficiency Government “Fiat” While the US$ isn’t really fiat, US monetary policy does strongly influences it value “Printing money” devalues it – but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing “In-game” Currency
Volatility (Predictability) US Dollar 1/2001-present Bitcoin Argentinian Peso 1/2001-present STEEM
The Top 10 by Market Capitalization
#1 Bitcoin First creation of virtual/digital items that cannot be duplicated (2009) Proof-of-work blockchain Limited contracts using “oracles” No provision for updates (“forks”)
Blockchain Not just for currency
#4 Litecoin A “better” bitcoin (2011) Different proof-of-work algorithm Faster transaction times Requires more memory
Altcoins The core Bitcoin “grammar” works just fine, mostly… Block interval & security algorithm Transaction structure & transfer One-size-fits all security
#3 Ripple Transaction network plus its own currency (2012) Iterative consensus trust graph Faster transaction times Codius “smart” contract oracles Off-chain faster, cheaper
Side-chains Blockstream (2014) – “2-way pegging”, Liquid ensures fast large transactions
#6 Monero, #7 Dash & #40 ZCash Anonymity via blockchain obfuscation Xcoin/DarkCoin/Dash (2014) – active mixing Monero(2014) – passive mixing Coins are now truly indistinguishable
Accountability Absolutely no accountability!!! Upside: Blockchain obfuscation is ideal for secure online voting Downside – allows for proof for vote-buying
#2/#5 Ethereum Different proof-of-work(2014) Solidity smart contracts 15 second block time, more memory, no advantage to pooling variable costs Solidity smart contracts “Unlimited” Scalability Roadmap
Governance Nomic - The DAO “Mars Constitutions”
Blockchain 2016 Blockchain is now at the stage that the Internet was at in 2004 with the call to Web 2.0
#10 Coins for specific purposes/communities Waves - crowdfunding w/ your own coin (also has extensive reputation system) MaidSafe - decentralized private data, websites & public data (February 2016)
#9 Steem Steemit - Reddit-like social media system where up-votes = money Proof-of-stake blockchain – faster, cheaper, allows micro-transactions
Innovative Economics Highly inflationary coins can “print money” for goals like Basic Income Vesting promotes pro-social behavior
#8 Augur An Ethereum-based prediction market giving REP for accurate predictions OR the greatest gambling platform ever! Gnosis::Augur coinless Ripple::Bitcoin
Citizen Scientists “Old” Slide for August EFTF Steemit presentation While the largest payouts are grabbed by “social” posts, good data science posts reliably receive steady payouts Can you imagine? A scientific portal for your field run as a Steemit community Good tools will also reliably receive steady payouts and, we believe, have the potential to go viral & hit the jackpot And Steemit communities are the ultimate test-bed for the economic & social experiments we so desperately need
Citizen Scientists Now imagine . . . . crowdfunding science with Waves and/or funding based upon Augur prediction markets
Crowd-sourcing Safe/Ethical AI Safely Crowd-Sourcing Critical Mass for a Self-Improving Human-Level Learner/“Seed AI” Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2012 --
We believe that humanity's best hope the development of ethics and artificial intelligence and equal co-existence with ethical machines is humanity's best hope http://Wisdom.Digital Mark.Waser@Wisdom.Digital