Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [good] quality of the early years provision the childminder should do the following: encourage parents further to share more detailed information about children's capabilities from home when they first start to help inform assessment and planning from the outset. build on plans for professional development to precisely identify ways to help raise the quality of teaching an outstanding level. strengthen self-evaluation to identify plans for professional development to extend knowledge and skills further, and raise the quality of practice to an outstanding level.
Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [good] quality of the early years provision the childminder should do the following: encourage more information sharing with parents about what children achieve at home, and how parents can support their learning further. improve processes for monitoring children's progress, to help identify any emerging gaps in achievement, as quickly as possible. enhance partnership working with staff at other settings children attend to help promote a more joined-up approach to supporting children's learning and care. strengthen systems to help identify children's rates of progress and their styles of learning.
Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [good] quality of the early years provision the childminder should do the following: enhance opportunities for children to learn about diversity and the lives of others around us. strengthen teaching to help accelerate children's outcomes even further, specifically children's listening skills and use of mathematical vocabulary to describe size. enhance the ongoing assessment of children's learning further, to help plan more precisely for children's individual styles of learning.
Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [good] quality of the early years provision the provider should do the following: enhance the variety of outdoor learning opportunities for children in the toddler room. support staff further to meticulously plan activities so that children have greater opportunities to make consistently high rates of progress. enhance the planning of group activities to help ensure children have consistent opportunities to make rapid progress. provide enough time for children to carry out their explorations and investigations to their own satisfaction.
Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [good] quality of the early years provision the provider should do the following: make better use of the information gained from children's assessments to plan highly challenging activities to help children make the very best progress, particularly in their mathematical and technology learning. incisively evaluate and monitor staff practice to help increase the use of available resources and quality of teaching to an exceptional level. refine the tracking of children's progress to monitor more precisely different groups of children, to help identify any gaps in their learning to promote outstanding outcomes for all.
Ofsted inspection reports: Autumn 2017 To further improve the [outstanding] quality of the early years provision the provider should do the following: enhance further the already excellent outdoor provision to provide an even wider range of activities to support children who learn best outdoors. focus even more precisely on exploring ways to monitor the impact of parents' engagement in their child's learning at home, to further enhance the already excellent outcomes children achieve. enhance the already superb monitoring of children's learning to more accurately compare the progress made by groups of children to help identify ways to accelerate it even further. encourage parents even further to share information about what their child already knows and can do, so that this comprehensive information can be used from the start. CK June 17