School to school support (onsite) CPD for the Alliance Quicklinks: School to school Support CPD Useful links SLE Community Directory of MaLTS The role of the SLE defining developing Recording before, during and after Supporting Initial Teacher Education Analysing data Setting up networks Developing Leadership skills Promoting Teacher research Running T&L Workshops subject knowledge and pedagogy Identifying Priorities Self Evaluation Improving Planning Strengthening approaches to assessment T&L coaching and mentoring
Overview Brief paragraph! Who? Effective practice/ self-evaluation (eg EiML) Strategies/advice (probes/prompts) (eg SWoT Section 1 Scenarios) Resources (Portal > Resources > Microsites) Case studies Ofsted perspectives (eg HMI reports ‘Made to Measure, 20 successful schools, Subject specific guidance, etc) Next steps
Key Activity Pete Recording, (Improving T&L) Laura Networking, (Improving planning) Rachael Developing leadership, (Improving T&L) Simon Analysing data, (Improving planning) Catherine Assessment, (Supporting ITE) Sarah Coaching & Mentoring, (Teacher research) Adrienne Identifying priorities, (Supporting ITE) Kerry Running T&L Workshops, (Teacher research)
Materials finalised for trial schools 22/06/12 NCETM Maths SLE Day 31/07/12 Materials finalised for trial schools 22/06/12 NCETM Maths SLE Day All review and post comments (12/07/12) 13/07/12 06/07/12 01/06/12 29/05/12 08/06/12 Authors post completed ‘Key Activities’ consultation with author team ie coherent text! Case Study? Other microsites ‘SLE Toolkit’ concept tested with the wider audience Invite for ‘Case Studies’ Writing Day focusing on the 12 ‘Key Activities’ SL/DS post finalised draft ‘Key Activities’ for feedback on 13/07/12 PG post finalised draft ‘Role of SLE’ module for feedback on 13/07/12 Writing Days ‘polishing’: ‘Key Activities’ ‘Role of SLE’ module (s) PG post ‘Role of SLE’ module (s) for consultation with author team All review and post comments