Monday, January 23, 2011 Objectives: Literary Element – Analyzing Argument Analyzing appeals to logic, emotion and ethics; Distinguishing Fact and Opinion Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers?
Monday, January 23, 2012 ~ English Agenda WN: Brainstorm some ways in which you and other people use water every day. Read selection: “Saving Water” Textbook p.458-465 Analyzing appeals to Argument -logic, emotion and ethics; Distinguishing Fact and Opinion Respond to questions on pages 466-467 – turn in when complete *PreAP - Novel Project DUE today! Also, give Login/Password information for textbooks
Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Objectives: Ongoing Reading Objectives as listed Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: Author Lewis Carroll was born in 1832. His most famous piece was the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Who is your favorite character in this book (or movie) and why?
WN:Choose a topic from your January Bingo Topic sheet Tuesday, January 24, 2012 English and PreAP English Agenda Library Day – AR Deadline –Friday, March 9th Be sure to bring your books!! --book fair video --dance information/questions WN:Choose a topic from your January Bingo Topic sheet
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Objectives: Ongoing Reading Objectives as listed Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: Today is the birthday of Sesame Street character, Ernie. If you could create a television show for kids, what type of a show would it be? What is its name? What type of information would it contain?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 English Agenda WN: "How often did you wear it? Write about a piece of clothing that was important to you at some time in your life." Finish selection from Monday – if not complete - and turn in today. Read selection: The Trouble with Television p. 468-473 Analyzing the literary element of thesis and evaluating an argument. Respond to questions on p. 474 and be sure to Write a Blurb in response to the article *PreAP – Presentations due TODAY!
What strategies do good readers use to understand text? Thursday, January 29, 2012 Objectives: Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: Today is “National Puzzle Day!” What is your favorite type of puzzle to solve and why?
Thursday, January 26, 2012 ~ English Agenda Finish assignments connected to the selections – “Saving Water” (p.458) and “The Trouble with Television” (p.468) Be sure all work is turned in today! If extra time, we will begin the story that is scheduled for Friday… WN: "Who is your biggest fan? Write about that person.“ Remember the details.
What strategies do good readers use to understand text? Friday, January 27, 2012 Objectives: Objectives: :(R.10.8.3)Vary reading strategies according to text and purpose; (R.11.8.8) Identify and explain similes, metaphors, personification, hyperboles and analogies to infer the literal and figurative meanings of phrases; (W.7.8.1) Use figurative language purposefully to shape and control language to affect readers; (W.7.8.5) Use purposeful vocabulary with emphasis on developing tone; (W.7.8.7) Use flashback/time transitions; (W.5.8.3) Create narrative writing Essential questions: What strategies do good readers use to understand text? What strategies do good writers use to create interesting text for their readers? Writer’s Notebook ideas: February 1st is “National Freedom Day.” In your own words, what does it mean to be free?
Respond to questions on pages 490-491 Friday, January 27, 2012 ~ English Agenda Respond through Writing directions on page 492 – Write an Expository Essay exploring the theme of the story Respond to questions on pages 490-491 Analyzing the literary element of style and making predictions about the plot Read selection: “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers p.476-489 WN: "When did you last feel incredibly spoiled? Write about it with details."