List of derivation 1 Prefix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. Semi- Semicircle Circle N Half/ adj. Semifinal Final Mini- Mini-theory Theory Small/ adj. Mini-publication Publication Kilo- Kilobyte Byte Thousand/ n Kilometer Meter
List of derfivation 2 Prefix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. Mis- misconduct Conduct N Wrong/ adj. Misdeed Deed Mono- monosyllable Syllable One/ adj. Monograph Graph Sub- Subset Set Bellow/ n Subdivision Divition
List of derivation 3 Prefix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. Inter- Interaction Act/ Action V/ N Between/ n Inter-change Change N Neo- Neo-colonialism colony New/ adj. Neo- impressionism Impression Mega- Megabyte Byte Million/ n Megawatt Watt
List of derivation 4 Prefix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. Super- Superset Set n Morethan/ adj Superpower Power Poly- Polysillable Sillable Many/ adj. Polyclinic Clinic Mal- Malfunction Function Bad/ adj. Malnutrition Nutrition bad/ adj
List of derivation 5 Prefix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. Ultra- Ultrasound Sound N Beyond/ adj. Ultrasonic Sonic adj. Under- Underpayment Pay/ payment V/ N Below, too little/ adj. Undergraduate Graduate Below/ adj. Vice- Vice-precident Precident Deputy/ n Vice-director director n
List of derivation 6 Sufix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. -age Baggage Bag n Collection/ n Plumage Plum -ant Assistant Assist v Person/ n Consultant Consult -ism Maoism Mao Doctrine/ n Marxism marx
List of derivation 7 Sufix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. -ship Friendship Friend N State of being something/ n Leadership Leader/ lead + er N/ V+er -cy Urgency Urgent adj. State or quality/ n Efficiency Efficient -ous Dangerious Danger State of being a/ adj. Famous Fame State of being a/adj.
List of derivation 8 Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Sufix Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. -less Endless End N State of being adj./ adj. Careless Care -ness Darkness Dark adj. Quality of being n/ n Lightness Light -ance Attendance Attend V Action/ n acceptance Accept
List of Derivation 9 Example Original Form Meaning/ word class Derivate from w.c. -ment Development Develope V Action/ n Punishment Punish -al Refusal Refuse denial Deny -ry Refinery Refine Bakery Bake
Derivation 1 Adjective to Noun Derivated from (x+y) N kind -ness kindness Contrite -ion Contrition Creative -ity Creativity Extreme -ist Extremist Disobidient -ence Disobidience Urgent -cy Urgentcy Legal Legality
Derivation 2 Verb to Adjective Derivated from Adjective Verb Suffix Cooperate -ive Cooperative Count -able Countable Disgrace -ful Disgraceful Post -al Postal Differ -ent Different Select Selective Define Definable Continue -ous Continuous Consider -ate Considerate
Derivation 3 Adjective to Verb Derivated from Verb Suffix Dark -en darken Deep Deepen Deaf Deafen Short Shorten Sharp sharpen
Derivation 4 Noun to Adjective Derivated from Adjective Suffix Courage -ous Courageous Crime -al Criminal Deceit -ful Deceitful Disorder -ly Disorderly Honour -able Honourable Beauty Beautyful Hope -less Hopeless Shild Child -ish Childish Capital -ism Capitalism Science -ic Scientific
Derivation 5 Noun to Verb Derivated from Verb Suffix Capital -ize capitalize Ion Ionize Critic Criticize
Derivation 6 Verb to Noun Abstrac Derivated from Noun Abstract Suffix Educate -ion Education Advertise -ment Advertisement Prever -ence Preverence Insert Insertion Create -ture Creature Dedicate Dedication Develop Development Assure -ance Assurance Elect Election
Derivation 7 Verb to Noun Concret Derivated from Noun (concret) Suffix Drive -er Driver Assist -ant Assistant Pass -age Passage Serve Servant Teach Teacher Supervise -er / -or Superviser/ supervisor Fight Fighter Write Writer Read reader
Inflection 1 Noun Inflection Original inflection original Inflection Tooth Theeth (P) Book Books (P) Foot Feet (P) Chair Chairs (P) Woman Women (P) Mouse Mice (P) Dhis Dhises phenomenon Phenomena (P) Dress Dresses Class Classes (P) Hand Hands kitabu Kutubun (P) Kursiun Kurrosa Child Children (P)
Inflection 2 Adjective Inflection Original form Inflection Past Particple Present/ ing drink Drank Drunk Drinks/ drinking Study Studied Studies/ studying Eat Ate Eaten Eats/ eating Ring Rang Rung Rings/ ringing Fly Flew Flown Flies/ flying Blow Blew Blown Blows/ blowing Break Broke broken Breaks/ breaking
Inflection 3 Adjective Inflection Original Inflection Comparative Superlative Small Smaller Smallest High Higher highest Bad Worse Worst Tall Taller Tallest Smart Smarter Smartest Short Shorter shortest