The role of the QP Correspondents Maria Lvova, etf Date: 11 March 2016, kiev, ukraine
QP CorreSpondents Roles, responsibilities, engagement
experts, policy makers and practitioners involved in the development of NQFs and NQS in their respective countries. In other words… Time consuming vs added value for you and your countries
The purpose Update THE GLOBAL INVENTORY on qualifications Contribute and participate in the peer-learning and knowledge development regarding nqfS and qualifications development (something for you to bring back home?) stimulate discussions on the development of qualifications and qualifications systems facilitate some critical thinking Sharing the recent theoretical developments
BUT FIRST OF ALL to give a perspective from your country and to make the discussion relevant to your national context You can see 2 additional flags here. Participants from Azerbaijan, Kosovo and Turkey were not able to come to this meeting, due to some logistical issues, but we count on their participation in the network
QP Correspondents Role TO PARTICIPATE IN THE UPDATE OF THE GLOBAL QUALIFICATIONS INVENTORY IN ADDITION: to comment on specific topics raised by the ETF facilitators (INCLUDING EXPERTISE Contribution TO THEMATIC STUDIES PREPARED by etf) to provide YOUR opinion on specific topics (answers can be brief) and share information TO TAKE PART IN THE ANNUAL MEETING FOR THE QP CORRESPONDENTS To present recent developments in the field of qualifications in the country QP CORRESPONDENTS may also be invited to participate in the thematic ETF events
Questions and answers
qp correspondents in 2016 First qp correspondents meeting, 10-11 March 2016 Practical exercise - new structure for the global inventory Active participation in the qp life (2-3 blogs done by qp correspondents) Corporate conference on qualifications, 23-24 November, brussels – special role for the correspondents Decision on the date and who is going to host the second meeting in 2017