WIGOS Implementation Status in RA II and National Activities Chong PEI, Division Chief, Department of Integrated Observations of CMA
Outline 1. Background 2. Brief introduction of R-WIP-II 3. Progresses My presentation include five parts. 1. Background 2. Brief introduction of R-WIP-II 3. Progresses 4. National WIGOS activities in CHINA 5. Challenges and way forward 2
1. Background Cg-XVI Decided to implement WIGOS and Request (1) To develop R-WIP (2) To coordinate WIGOS implementation activities with the WIS in their operating plans and working programs (3) To promote capacity-building and outreach activities to assist Members in the implementation of WIGOS The 15th RA II session (December, 2012, Doha, Qatar) R-WIP-II was approved and adopted as Resolution 4.4/1 3
2. Brief introduction of R-WIP-II R-WIP-II identified 7 individual areas with respect to the 10 areas of the WIGOS IP, Most of the activities will be implemented via 7 Actionable “RAII WIGOS projects” 4
Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II project I 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Monitor and review the Implementation of EGOS- IP in RA II Key Regional Players: China Hong Kong, China Completed Established an expert group Drafted Work plan Developed Fund Plan On-going A Portal will be developed Gaps and Priority actions will be Identified 5
3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS project II 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Standard and Practical Portal, including Technical Documents with Necessary Details in English from all RA II Members Key Regional Player: Republic of Korea Completed _ KMA’s domestic project for the standardization of met observations has finished the 1st phase(2013). Domestic >3,500 sites data from 27 agencies were collected as one system By the end of 2014, 80% of the data are collected and QC as operational utilization in real time On-going In 2015, a portal will be developed to share the experience and benefits from the standardization Preparing for collecting regional standard and best practices regarding data exchange, sensor inter-comparison or calibration from members 6
Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the East Asia project III-1 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Integration of Surface-based Remote Sensing Data in the East Asia Key Regional Players: JMA, CMA, KMA Completed — Review progress of on-going activities: a 2-D grid product of analyzed precipitation was generated experimentally from KMA’s CAPPI and AWS by JMA. Dissemination plan for ground-based GNSS on WIS/GTS were discussed at joint meetings — Identified technical issues for data exchange in operations On-going Encourage to exchange data among members KMA is preparing to expand GNSS data dissemination from ~20 stations via WIS, which are collected domestically by 2016 To discuss how to develop a feasible and optimal draft design on integrated surface-based remote sensing observations
Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in the Southeast Asia project III-2 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in the Southeast Asia Key Regional Players: ASEAN-SCMG: Thailand, Malaysia Completed Regional Training Workshop on Weather Radar Maintenance, QE and Forecast held in Bangkok, on 24 Feb to 7 Mar 2014, 20 participants from Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam joined it JMA, Japan Radio Co, and WMO Cooperation for Radar between TMD and JMA is ongoing under Japan-ASEAN Integrated Fund The joint project of ASEAN Radar Composite between Thailand and Malaysia has not achieved any specific progress through ASEAN SCMG’s meeting in Vientiane, LAO PDR in Sep 2014 On-going Establishment of any trans-boundary activities for radar network 8
3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS project IV 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Enhance the Availability and Quality Management Support in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations Key Regional Players: JMA (Coordinator) and Members of Coordination Group Completed WMO/JMA Survey on met. instruments, calibration and training in RA II was implemented, and the consolidated report was available on the WMO RIC Tsukuba website. Experts from RIC Tsukuba provided Bangladesh Met. Department (BMD) practical on-the-job training on instrument. On-going To develop a draft report for the investigation survey on quality management of meteorological observation by NMHS in RA II. To hold a workshop focusing on sharing and transferring skills of observations QM. 9
3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS project V 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Develop a Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System (SDS-WAS) in Asia Node Key Regional Players: : China, Japan, Republic of Korea Completed The dust forecast model has been continuously operated throughout the year daily, which consists of a NWP model with on-line parameterizations of the atmospheric dust cycle. A portal for dust forecast products was developed. http://eng.weather.gov.cn/dust/ On-going Dust forecast model products verification will be carried out in the near future. CMA will apply for WMO Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers with Activity Specialization on atmospheric Sand Dust Forecasts. 10
Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training project VI 3. Progress of implementation of WIGOS Develop Support for NMHSs in Satellite Data, Products and Training Key Regional Players: : Japan, Republic of Korea and other satellite operators in RA II Completed Issuance of newsletters to RA II Members 4 in 2013 3 in 2014 (Oct) Asia/Oceania Met. Satellite Users’ Conference 4th conference was held in Melbourne, Australia from 9-11 Oct. 2013 by Bureau of Meteorology with two day’s training event 5th conference was held in Shanghai, China,from 19-21 Nov. 2014 by CMA with two day VLab training event Roshydromet committed to be the 5h sponsor On-going Supportive activities to be prepared for satellite data users concerning the new generation of geostationary meteorological satellites To establish a permanent secretariat , preferably within the WMO Space Programme Office 6th Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference will be prepared by JMA with 3rd Meeting of the Coordinating Group of the RA II WIGOS Project in 2015 7th Conference will be the Joint AOMSUC7-AMS meeting in 2016 11
4. National WIGOS activities in CHINA .Strategic Development Under WIGOS Framwork _ Five years Plan _ Standards _ Project Surpports _ Process Monitoring
4. National WIGOS activities in CHINA . Network Design Under WIGOS Framwork _ Project on OSE & OSSEs & FSO in East of China, NWP-Based _ Will give a report to WIGOS 2016, Shanghai _ will extend to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau . Sharing data with other Agencies _ Ocean data + Atmospheric data to help forecasting Typhoon _ Hydrological data + Atmospheric data to help nowcasting warning _ PMs + Atmospheric data to help predicting hazy and fog
4. National WIGOS activities in CHINA . New Generation Radar Tech and Dual-Pol _ Phase coding and dual-PRFs _ Dual-pol upgrading _Wind Profilers experimental network for NWP _ “BIG DATA processing” tech to enhance radar data quality .Integrate all existing Operational System _ Bring National and Provincial into An Integrated ONE _ Metadata standardization, collection through the WIS
4. National WIGOS activities in CHINA . CMA Integrated Observing System Operational Platform ONE platform Monitoring > 10 types of instrument > 50,000 sensors Standard Stable Extendable Easy to maintain Integrated Easy to operate Save Resource
Data Quality Management identify data problems automatically Wrong Data Are you sure your radar working well?
Data Quality Management Data quality Monitoring Data quality control Automatically Data quality control and Instruments Performances monitoring by standards and criteria in near real-time. Establish links with WMO other programs including WIS to provide them with the monitoring results by series monitoring reports COMPARISON
Key issues in Implementing WIGOS in RA II General Challenges in RA II Lack of understanding of potential benefits Lack of effective collaboration mechanisms among key partners and stakeholders Low level of commitment from Members Pressing challenges & way forward How to motivate RA II Members to implement new WIGOS technical regulation and Manual Urgent need of explanatory guiding material to navigate Members to implement WIGOS regulatory practices (esp. Metadata of regional networks, etc) Training of RA II EG-WIGOS members, to enable them to assist RA II Members to carry on the implementation activities Strengthen the supervising mechanism on WIGOS implementation, hopefully by joint efforts of RA II MG and ICG-WIGOS Promotion of regional data exchange following WIS standards (metadata) WIGOS RA II Centers (CMA Monitoring platform can be a good showcase) 18
Thank you for your attention!