Statistiques locales A new on line database to meet user needs : giving free and easy access to statistics on local areas Available on line beginning of 2006 Ces outils vous donnent un accès rapide et illustré aux chiffres fondamentaux de votre territoire.
Statistiques locales Any type of local area : administrative areas such as « communes » (municipalities), « départements », « régions » zones created for statistical or geographical analyses as « zones urbaines », « zones d’emploi » specific areas tailored by users
Statistiques locales A wide range of sources and themes : sources : censuses, surveys, administrative forms and registers themes : demography, dwellings, employment, incomes, educational attainment, enterprises…
Statistiques locales Three formats of information : key datas detailed datas thematical interactive maps
Statistiques locales Key datas (1) they are presented as short reports displaying : the main indicators of an area, gathered from several sources charts automatic commentaries (in some cases) The soft used are Crystal Report and Crystal Enterprise
Statistiques locales Key datas (2) for each area are available : a general report giving a statistical summing-up reports by theme a special report based on the new census results
Statistiques locales Detailed datas : multi-dimensional tables : up to 6 dimensions tools of navigation between the levels of aggregation, particularly the geographic levels also powerful tools for personnalizing the display of the table, selecting the extracts and choosing the format of downloading the interface is the Web Data Server of B20/20 Databases will be also downloadable as a whole (.ivt, .txt, .dbf)
Statistiques locales Interactive thematic maps : the user can : set cartographic parameters by selecting : variables (represented by choropleth or symbolic analysis), thresholds… choose the area to be mapped zoom and move display additional informations (layers of zonings…) select a cell and display informations about it (name, stats…) Interface software : Geoclip Exemples : Population+Densité ; Typologie urbain-rural
Statistiques locales This site is managed through an intranet application which permits easily to : create, modify or suppress all the labels and texts of the interface integrate new options and new products (reports, tables, maps) or suppress those judged obsolete Example : Introducing a new item in the list of indicators available for mapping
Statistiques locales Feeding the web site: all data management, for example updating, is realised in a datawarehouse opened only to internal users (on Insee’s Intranet) the databases of the internet site are only extracts from this datawarehouse this two servers architecture allows to make sure that the data on internet will be compatible with statistical secret the centralisation of various sources in the datawarehouse and the harmonisation of data formats and documentation is a heavy and complex task but they are indispensable to secure a regular and easy functioning of the internet site
Statistiques locales Main difficulties of the project (1) : selection of the interfaces : a choice partially limited by budgetary constraint interoperability of the three interfaces : achieved, but has required a delicate development of the site and complexifies its installation on internet performances : the processing of many reports involves large sets of data belonging to many tables : hence the optimising of SQL queries and Oracle tables takes a lot of work
Statistiques locales Main difficulties (2) handling with the statistical secret : as noted about the architecture, the most detailed data, particularly all micro-data, are not extracted of the datawarehouse to be put on the site reports : according to the size of the population, or of another indicator, formulas allow to display or not a report / a single table / a cell in a table (in fact two cells at least) multi-dimensional tables : the interface allows to deny access to particular sets of cross-variables maps : cells under a certain level of population, or of an other indicator, may display a symbol meaning « undisclosable »