Language Policies Inanda Seminary 2 languages 2 levels IsiZulu Home Language and First Additional English Home Language and First Additional
Different Phases GET – both languages taught at HL level Interventions Assessment – promotion Choices FET – usually highest GET result is HL Both high? Both low?
English – history language rule Medium of Instruction English – history language rule Speak Read Write Listen
Mission Statement Inanda Seminary provides a Christian education environment with an African ethos for is members to develop holistically in: Leadership Life skills Integrated technology Critical thinking Social Development Sport
Need for policies Students weak in reading and writing mother tongue Parents unsure of difference between HL and FAL Mother tongue different from Medium of Instruction Perception tertiary institutions favoured English HL
Implementation Interview every applicant Parent Meeting Staff discussion circles in GET → FET Letters of recommendation Changes in FET but mindful it requires 2 subjects to be changed
Lessons Learnt? Struggle in English ═ Struggle in every subject Change to English FAL ═ improvement in all assessments (Nic Spaull – Reading) Change to English FAL ═ pressure release Different approach teaching FAL Cannot change language end of Gr 11 Eng HL distinctions rare in non-mother tongue
Miscellaneous Findings If struggle in English that grow reserved in class participation Some non-isiZulu students who also weak in English require several interventions Student choice influenced by who is teacher Students chasing distinctions A reading student is a growing student