Q List three qualities and three skills you have which makes this a suitable career for you. Explain… Skills…. any manual skill Communication Skills.. Oral & Computers Interpersonal Skills….Good with people Planning/ Organisation Skills Decision making Skills..
Qualities… Being proactive Risk taker Initiative Confident Energetic Self belief Good communicator Resilient etc…..
3. Easy to gain awareness/information about the career. Q… ‘out of school’ activity. What were the benefits of participating in this activity? 9 marks 1. You learn new skills such as communication skills by having to get information or pass on information successfully. 2. Improve personal skills e.g. you improve planning/research/organisation skills. 3. Easy to gain awareness/information about the career.
4. You can have new experiences such as interviewing someone from the career/learn about the type of work available/world of work. 5. Complete a portfolio item for the Link Modules on a career investigation. 6. Helped to focus you for the future/make decisions/make contacts/more motivated at school.
Methods of evaluating the career investigation activity. 1 Review the quality of information received/had you enough information to make an informed choice about the career? 2 Review the quantity of information received/quality of the Career Investigation Report for the portfolio. Did you get answers to a range of questions?
3 Outcome of the activity, has it motivated you to work harder in school/be more realistic with your goals. 4 Review if there were skills improved or new skills learned