Time to make a big decision! Which is more important to the development of Odysseus’s character and a theme of The Odyssey—the journey or the goal? Which is more important to the development of Odysseus’s character, the journey or the goal? Which is more important to the development of a theme of The Odyssey—the journey or the goal? Take out a clean sheet of paper, and put a proper MLA heading at the top of the page. Write the prompt to the right that YOU will be responding to this week. Determine if you will claim that the JOURNEY or the GOAL is more important and BRIEFLY explain WHY. RESPOND TO THE ABOVE USING ONLY ONE SENTENCE! If you need help, then raise your hand.
We will come back to this in a bit, so keep your work on hand!
Lesson 2: Writing a Thesis Statement and Drafting an Introduction The Odyssey Essay Week Lesson 2: Writing a Thesis Statement and Drafting an Introduction
I Can… Write a thesis statement. Write an introductory paragraph.
Essay Format Introduction Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Conclusion
Where do we start? Introduction Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Conclusion
Introductory Paragraph The first paragraph of an essay should introduce the reader to the essay topic. It should create interest in the essay, outline the writer’s main ideas, and suggest how these ideas will be presented within the body of the essay. The introduction consists of three main elements: a hook, building sentences, and a thesis statement.
Introductory Paragraph Hook—The first sentence (or sentences) of an essay should catch the reader’s attention. It introduces the topic of the essay in an interesting way. Introduce the Topic—Provide background information to give readers some context about the topic. They should ”build“ towards the thesis statement. Thesis Statement—Comes at the end of the introduction. It is the most important sentence in the entire essay because it presents the essay topic and the writer’s position on that topic. Introductory Paragraph
HOOK IDEAS Anecdote (narrative vignette) Question Setting On your paper where you have been taking notes, take a moment to write your first attempt at a HOOK! Consider the ideas below and think about how to best interest your audience in your writing about The Odyssey! HOOK IDEAS Anecdote (narrative vignette) I walked proudly through the hallways of AMS, my new blue mohawk glistening magnificently in the florescent lighting of the hallway, but then I saw Mr. Caruthers. I felt the wax in my hair start to melt. Question Do schools have the right to tell kids how to dress? Setting At Centerville Middle School, a controversy is brewing. Walk down the hallways, and amidst a tranquil sea of khaki pants and navy blue polo shirts, the blades of a fuchsia mohawk cut through the peaceful learning environment. Alliterative Phrase Timeless. Tasteful. Tried and true. The traditional school uniform is the foundation of a true learning environment. Quotation “Give me liberty or give me death.” Here are some possible leads for a persuasive paper about school dress codes. Have students consider tone and audience. Which would be most appropriate?
Let’s Rate These Hooks! 1—At least you tried! 2—It is interesting but does not clearly relate to the topic. 3—It introduces the topic but isn’t particularly unique or interesting. 4—It is interesting but a bit basic— needs a little flair! 5—You grabbed the readers attention in a unique and interesting way that clearly relates to the topic.
Thesis Statements Typically comes at the end of the introduction. These sentences can stand alone to provide a very basic answer to the question you are working to answer. This is the most important sentence in the entire piece because everything else MUST relate back to the thesis statement.
Which of the following is a good thesis statement? I believe we must stop wasting food now! The problem of food waste can easily be solved by implementing three simple steps: reduce, reuse, recycle. If you aren’t reducing, reusing, and recycling, you should. I believe wasting food is a huge problem. We need to reduce our food waste. For example, make a shopping list before you go to the store, and only buy things you truly need. You shouldn’t buy a gallon of milk if you are only going to drink a quart of it during the week. Who cares if the gallon size is on sale? Which of the following is a good thesis statement? Have students analyze these typical student thesis statements. The first is missing a forecast. The third has an assertion, and previews the arguments, but the tone is not academic. This is a great opportunity to discuss with students the use of first person, second person, and third person points of view in academic writing. The final example starts with an assertion, but the writer then launches into the heart of the arguments. Stress to students that the forecast is a concise preview—the full argument and supporting details should go in the body paragraphs, not the introduction.
Let’s take a look back at your bell work from the beginning of the period. Your instructions were to “write the prompt to the right that YOU will be responding to this week” and to “determine if you will claim that the JOURNEY or the GOAL is more important and BRIEFLY explain WHY.” Share your responses with your color groups and discuss the following: Does the response clearly answer the selected prompt by claiming that either the journey or the goal is more effective? Does the response reflect whether the writer will address theme, characterization, or both in his or her essay? Can the response be supported by the content of The Odyssey? Is your response ONE sentence long?
GUESS WHAT… If you answered YES to all the questions discussed with your group, then you have written the most important sentence of your essay—your THESIS STATEMENT!
Now What? EXIT TICKET Finish your introduction by piecing together each component using the HIT method. Proof read your introduction to make sure it is COHERENT! Once you finish, bring your writing to Mrs. Thomas to be approved. You will NOT be allowed to move on to body paragraphs tomorrow until your introduction has been approved! You have two major components of your introduction—your hook and your thesis statement. All that is left is filling in that middle space with a couple of sentences introducing the topic! When you start working on the sentences that introduce your topic, talk to Mrs. Thomas if you need some “sentence starters.” Sentence Starters: When considering the development of Odysseus as a character, as well as the development of theme in The Odyssey,… As the audience learns more about Odysseus,… As the audience sees the story unfold, Homer communicates a clear theme:… Odysseus is clearly portrayed as a man who is…