Nuts & Bolts Implementing Comprehensive School Counseling Bremerton January 24th, 2011 Richard Cleveland, WSCA
Clock Hours ASCA National Models Bathrooms Lunch Logistics
Introductions Richard Cleveland Alaska Airlines Everett Public Schools Seattle Pacific University Introductions
RCW 28A.410.043 Nav101 Melissa McCabe Gombosky, Legislative Advocate Day on the Hill: February 3rd, 2011 WSCA/OSCA Conference: February 17th-19th 2011 Partnership with OSPI – State Framework WSCA News
What Are We Doing Today Implementing CSCP My Mission Statement Comprehensive School Counseling = CSCP = CGCP = ASCA National Model My Mission Statement Using Data Working Time Action plans, calendars, crosswalks, etc. Next Steps &Questions What Are We Doing Today
Getting A Pulse What level do you serve? (ES, MS, HS) Years experience as a school counselor? How familiar with a CSCP or National Model? How much implementation? Biggest challenge to implementation? How can today be most helpful? Getting A Pulse
Quick Review Foundation Delivery System Management System Accountability
Foundation Beliefs & Philosophy Mission Statement Domains Academic Development Career Development Personal/Social Development ASCA National Standards & Competencies Foundation
Delivery System School Guidance Curriculum Individual Student Planning Responsive Services System Support Delivery System
Management System Site Agreements Advisory Council Use of Data Action Plans Guidance Curriculum / Curriculum Map Closing the Gap Calendars Management System
Accountability Results Reports Program Audit School Counselor Performance Evaluation Accountability Tools (SCAATAP, EZ Analyze, etc.) Accountability
Considerations & Dangers Timeline for Implementation Timeline for Results Firm Foundation Considerations & Dangers Results (A) Action Plans (MS) So this is the WHY we just went through the review (quickly). Without those necessary pieces in place, you can’t expect REAL results, you can’t expect amazing results. 5 years is what we’re talking about here. Does that mean no results until then? No, but think about implementing a new anti-bullying curriculum. What happens the first year? Bullying reports go through the roof! Why? More bullying – no. Similar with implementing a CSCP. It takes time. Today we are going to be focusing on some out of the gate, start running, nuts and bolts ideas to get things going. These tools are great for focusing, for being intentional, for showing some preliminary results, BUT they can not stand on their own. You need to have the foundational components of the model in place. You need that foundation. This is what drives everything. The mission statement and really the SIP is what needs to drive, what needs to determine where you are going. Now if we’re putting on our CSCP hats and channeling our inner Norm Gyspers, we know that really (as the ASCA graphic suggests) this isn’t so linear. It isn’t a one way street going up from the SIP. We know that along all of these parts are going to interact with each other and alter, edit, amend how we implement these different aspects. Curriculum (DS) Domains/Standards (F) Mission Statement (F) Dist./Bldg. SIP
My Mission Statement In Previous Episodes: Skip to the “good stuff” But now…before moving on to “Using Data” Mission Statement part of Foundation in the ASCA Model/CGCP Essential – why are you here/there? My Mission Statement
My Mission Statement What do I believe: Advisement: About my students? About learning? About school counseling and my role as school counselor? Advisement: Intellectual integrity requires that even though it may at times be necessary to be ruthless with ideas, we must always be not just civil in our discourse, but respectful and gentle with all persons. My Mission Statement
My Mission Statement What I believe matters. What my principal believes matters. What my ______ believes matters. My Mission Statement
Using Data Resources Know Where You’re going Keep it Simple “42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.” – Steven Wright Resources ASCA Natl. Model ASCA Natl. Model Workbook ASCA Making Data Work 2nd Ed. Know Where You’re going DATA: Design, Ask, Track, Announce Keep it Simple Using Data
Using Data Process Data Perception Data Results Data What did you do? For whom? How many? Where? Perception Data What did they think, know, or demonstrate? Results Data So what? What is the difference? But where do I get the data from? Using Data
Working Time Master Calendar Guidance/Curriculum Action Plan CTG Action Plan DATA Report Cross walking Tool Working Time
[great to pair with site agreement] Weekly Calendar Monthly Calendar Yearly/Master Calendar [great to pair with site agreement] What not to do… Master Calendar
Guidance/Curriculum Action Plan What curriculum is being taught? What competencies/standards is the counseling department responsible for? Guidance/Curriculum Action Plan
CTG Action Plan Where are the gaps? How do you identify them? What are you going to do about it? CTG Action Plan
DATA Report Design Ask Track Announce What is your question? How will you answer your question? Track How will you make sense of the data? Announce How will you use your findings? DATA Report
Cross Walking Tool Connecting standards Common mission Systemic Perspective Triage? Cross Walking Tool
Questions & Next Steps BIG Things Little Things (or not-so-big things) District CSCP Plan Building CSCP Plan Little Things (or not-so-big things) Site Agreement Personalized SIP Crosswalk Accountability (software, program audit, SC evaluation, etc.) Questions & Next Steps
Go Around 1. How was today? 1 – 5 2. What’s Your Next Step? 1=Clyde’s World of Sqaush 5=Disneyland 2. What’s Your Next Step?
Thank You! Richard Cleveland Instructor/Intern Supervisor School Counseling Program Seattle Pacific University (206)281.2379 Thank You!