Chapter 17 – Section 1 Mobilizing for Defense Selective Service & The GI Volunteers Expanding the Draft Expanding the Military George Marshall Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps Nurses, drivers, radio operators, electricians, pilots Recruiting and Discrimination Dramatic Contributions Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-American
A Production Miracle The Industrial Response Labor’s Contribution Production halt Convert to war production Labor’s Contribution Worker shortage? Prejudice – Women and Minorities A. Phillip Randolph Roosevelt’s executive order Mobilization of Scientists Office of Scientific Research and Development Albert Einstein Advisory Committee on Uranium Manhattan Project
The Federal Government Takes Control Economic Controls Office of Price Administration (OPA) Freezing Prices Raised Income Tax War Production Board (WPB) Converting to wartime production Drives for war goods Rationing Personal Contribution
Chapter 17 – Section 2 The War for Europe and North Africa The United States and Britain Join Forces War Plans Churchill and Roosevelt meet The Battle of the Atlantic German submarine raids Convoy system Battle of the Atlantic turns
The Eastern Front and The Mediterranean The Battle of Stalingrad Industrial center Winter strikes, Soviet counterattack German surrender – turning point The North African Front Dwight D. Eisenhower Surrender, May 1943 The Italian Campaign Meeting in Casablanca Capture of Sicily, Mussolini resigns Bloody Anzio Heroes in Combat Minority Contribution
The Allies Liberate Europe D-Day Calais and Omaha Beach The Allies Gain Ground -Omar Bradley and St. Lo -George Patton and Paris The Battle of the Bulge Last German offensive Liberation of the Death Camps Majdanek Unconditional Surrender Hitler’s suicide V-E Day (Victory in Europe Day) Roosevelt’s Death
Chapter 17 The War in the Pacific Section 3
The Allies Stem the Japanese Tide Japanese Advances -Douglas MacArthur Doolittle’s Raid Battle of the Coral Sea The Battle of Midway -Chester Nimitz -Battle of Midway
The Allies Go on the Offensive The Japanese Defense Iwo Jima The Battle for Okinawa
The Atomic Bomb Ends the War The Manhattan Project -J. Robert Oppenheimer Hiroshima & Nagasaki -Hiroshima -Nagasaki
Rebuilding Begins The Yalta Conference The Nuremberg War Trials The Occupation of Japan
Chapter 17 The Home Front Section 4
Opportunity and Adjustment Economic Gains Population Shifts Social Adjustments -GI Bill of Rights
Discrimination and Reaction Civil Rights Protests -James Farmer -Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) Tension in Los Angeles
Internment of Japanese Americans -Internment Camps -Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)