DG MARE Study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Interim report Michael Munk Sørensen 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION.


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Presentation transcript:

DG MARE Study to support Impact Assessment on the Marine Knowledge 2020 Interim report Michael Munk Sørensen 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

Marine Licensing marine operators re-use allowed pay for data for licence applications in about half Member States collect additional detailed site specific data hand over marine data to authorities in 10 out of 12 cases re-use allowed usually made available for upon request some restrictions for commercially sensitive data 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

MSFD 12 countries responded to MSFD questionnaire Most countries have only used existing data for initial reporting Estimate of total data cost for initial reporting in 22 coastal MS and Croatia: €19 Million/year Estimate of cost for existing and new monitoring programmes for the period 2013-2020 €64 Million/year Most data gaps Underwater Noise, Habitats, Marine litter Highest future costs expected from data on Physical Features, Habitats, Functional Groups 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

Offshore wind Replies from 6 operators were complemented by own research projected growth in offshore wind capacity until 2020 38-54 GW estimated data cost for 200 MW offshore wind farm €5-6 Million planning phase €3 Million construction phase €1 Million costs for operation phase €2 Million total estimated costs for 38-54 GW offshore wind capacity €1-1.6 Billion 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

Legal & Governance Issues possible options for DG MARE initiative could be amendment of existing legal instruments, new legislation, soft law measures or a combination of these. amendments to existing legislation could include INSPIRE Directive, Public Access to Environmental Information Directive or Public Sector Information Directive. governance options for Marine Knowledge Regulatory Agency, Executive Agency, Joint Initiative or Public Private Partnership PPP governance solution would be limited by wish to make data available at marginal cost 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION

Innovation & Reduced Uncertainty mitigating risks to production Minimising economic losses from jellyfish blooms, reducing economic impacts of ocean acidification etc. development of innovative products and services ecotourism based services, offshore aquaculture cage design, innovation in aquatic pharmacy products etc reduction in uncertainty: Design optimization of offshore installations Optimisation of cable protection to reduce risk of damage Improved site accessibility for operations and maintenance of offshore wind A better assessment of energy yield to assist in optimising site selection Optimized ship navigation routes based on hydrographical data 11 december 2012 COWI POWERPOINT PRESENTATION