Date: November, 26-th 2008 Name: Pikin Kostya Topic: Life 150 years ago
Life was very different in the past There were a lot of small houses made of wood, people didn’t have carpets, because they couldn’t afford them.
What did people have? They had oil lamps, kettles, brooms and fireplaces. They didn’t have electricity, computers or mobile phones.
What did people wear? Ladies used to wear long dresses, beautiful hats and small bags. Gentlemen used to wear tuxedos, tight trousers and hats. They listened to music, danced and visited each other.
Daily life 150 years ago People didn’t have cars, buses or planes. They rode bicycles and they rode horses. They didn’t have any supermarkets or fast food restaurants, but they had grocer’s, butcher’s and baker’s.
I liked the way people lived 150 years ago, but the life was more difficult than it is nowadays. It is good to live in the 21-st century! THE END