Classroom Procedures and Expectations Mrs. Amberly Walker English 3 Level Lead English 3 Pre AP English 1
Entering the Room When you come in at the beginning of class, please make sure you have all of your supplies ready to go. Have a seat and get started on your warm-up or journal entry. Be sure to look at the correct board. Please try to use the restroom or get water during your passing period. You should be in your seat, ready to start class when the tardy bell rings. →
Tardies If you are not in the classroom BEFORE the bell rings, then you will be counted tardy. There are no exceptions to this rule. Everyone will be late at some point, please come in quietly and try to get caught up to the class. When/if you are tardy, it is your responsibility to get any work or information you have missed. →
Homework Homework is due the very next class period unless otherwise specified. It should be completed and ready to turn in when you enter the room. At the tardy bell, I will give a “last call” for homework. All assignments are due then or they will be considered late. Please remember daily grades are not accepted late. →
Tutoring You are encouraged to take full advantage of tutoring. Please come in for tutoring at the first signs of struggle. Tutoring schedule: Thursday 3:00-3:30. Other English teachers will have tutoring posted. You are expected to act appropriately in their rooms as well.
Restroom Passes You will get two restroom/water passes per six weeks. Use them or lose them, they are good for nothing else in this class. No pass, No go. With only 45 minutes in each class, it is very important that you try and be present for each minute. When you leave, you miss information, etc.
Missing Assignment Sheet This is a half page with a chicken on it. Fill this out for any assignment that you are not going to be turning in the day/time it is due.
Make-up Work You may pick up your work on the front table. “We Missed You” pages; look for your highlighted name and pick up the packet. Depending on the day(s) missed, you may have more than 1 packet. Please don’t ask me about your make-up work during class time, but don’t forget to talk to me about anything you do not understand. Make-up work has an expiration date.
Be on time. Be prepared. Be polite. Expectations: You are to respect everyone. This includes your classmates, myself, visitors, substitutes, and yourself. Be on time. Be prepared. Be polite.
Consequences First Offense: Conversation with student and possible parent/ AP notification Second Offense: Parent/AP contact and office referral I will always discuss your behavior with you first. You are a young adult and I respect you enough to speak with you about what I’m seeing in class.