English Class Orientation Professor: Jose Alfredo Encinas Office: S304 Cell Phone Number: 010-6506-8012 Email: hohohojose@gmail.com Kakao Talk ID: hohohojose Classroom Information Website: professorjose.weebly.com
Turn them off or set them to mute. Course Requirements No cell phones. Turn them off or set them to mute. X O X
Course Requirements Put your phones on the phone table as you enter the classroom.
Course Requirements Don’t be absent. Don’t be late. 3 lates = 1 absence. 7 or more absences = FAIL.
Course Requirements There are only 4 reasons for excused absences. You must provide proof for these. 1. Military duty (for men)
Course Requirements There are only 4 reasons for excused absences. You must provide proof for these. 2. A department study activity.(not MT or festivals)
Course Requirements There are only 4 reasons for excused absences. You must provide proof for these. A prolonged hospital stay or doctor’s order to stay home
Course Requirements There are only 4 reasons for excused absences. You must provide proof for these. 4. A death in the family
All other reasons are part of your 6 allowed absences. Course Requirements All other reasons are part of your 6 allowed absences.
Course Requirements There are NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES for any reason.
Student Book and Workbook Course Requirements What to bring to class: Student Book and Workbook
Course Requirements What to bring to class: Pencil and Eraser
What NOT to bring to class: Course Requirements What NOT to bring to class: NO PENS X
Course Requirements Bring your own pencil and eraser. Don’t borrow from your friends. No materials = minus points from your Participation Score.
Bring two books every day. Course Requirements Bring two books every day. No books = absent. Only 1 book = absent.
All homework must be typed. Course Requirements Homework must be NEAT, COMPLETE, and ON TIME. No late homework. All homework must be typed.
Course Requirements All homework will be sent to me through email: hohohojose@gmail.com
Course Requirements In the SUBJECT LINE write your English Name – Level and Class Animal
Course Requirements James Lee – L2 TIGER
Course Requirements All class activities, Workbook pages, quizzes, and tests must be done in pencil, not pen. If you make a mistake, erase and correct it.
the Professor is talking. Course Requirements Don’t talk while the Professor is talking.
Course Requirements Respect the Professor and classmates.
Course Requirements Use respectful language. SWEAR WORDS are rude. You will be asked to leave the class if you use them. Also do not wear clothing with these words or offensive symbols to my class.
If you need extra help, ask. Course Requirements If you need extra help, ask.
Participate actively in class. Course Requirements Participate actively in class.
Course Requirements Your Participation Score includes the following: Speak only English. (30 points) Professor, I don’t understand. It’s ok. Let me help you.
Bring your own pencil and eraser. (50 points) Course Requirements Bring your own pencil and eraser. (50 points)
Bring your Student Book and Workbook. (50 points) Course Requirements Bring your Student Book and Workbook. (50 points)
Homework complete and on time. (40 points) Course Requirements Homework complete and on time. (40 points)
Have a positive attitude in class. (40 points) Course Requirements Have a positive attitude in class. (40 points)
Be respectful and polite. (40 points) Course Requirements Be respectful and polite. (40 points)
Do all the activities in class. (40 points) Course Requirements Do all the activities in class. (40 points)
Course Requirements Follow directions. (20 points)
Stay awake in class. (40 points) Course Requirements Stay awake in class. (40 points) X
Pay attention and listen in class. (40 points) Course Requirements Pay attention and listen in class. (40 points)
Take notes of important information. (20 points) Course Requirements Take notes of important information. (20 points)
Assignments and Quizzes: 25% Grade Weights Assignments and Quizzes: 25% Mid-Term Test: 20% Final Test: 25% Participation: 20% Attendance: 10%
Grading 70-100% = Pass (P) 0-69% = Fail (F) Absent 7 or more times = F No or little participation in class = F Miss the Midterm or Final Test = F Fail the Midterm or Final Test = F (60% is pass for Midterm and Final Tests.)
Course Information Website http://professorjose.weebly.com/