Ending Punctuation …is my friend.
Why? Punctuation marks mean something. Sometimes they mean a lot. They not only put the brakes on a sentence (which should be a full-time job all by itself) but also suggest its tone.
The Period Use a period at the end of a statement. That’s a good idea. Use a period at the end of an imperative. (An imperative is a command.) Take out the trash. A period achieves a neutral effect; it lets the reader create meaning from the works only.
The Question Mark Use a question mark at the end of a direct question. A question asks something. That’s a good idea? Take out the trash? A question mark implies a question or wonderment, bewilderment or anxiety.
The Exclamation Point Use an exclamation point to express strong feelings or overt excitement. That’s a good idea! Never use more than one. Take out the trash!!!!!!!! Don’t overuse or it will lose its effect! I mean it! I’m not kidding!! See what I mean! It starts to look like everything else! It loses its emotion!