Multiple choice trends and highlights Global Regents-- Multiple choice trends and highlights
The World in 1750
The World in 1750 Mughal Empire in India Ottoman Empire in Mediterranean Absolute rulers in France, Russia, Prussia Most questions will be about trade routes!! (ocean-based) Possible question on religious and ethnic tolerance (Global midterm)
Enlightenment, Revolution and Nationalism
Enlightenment, Revolution and Nationalism Identifying main ideas of philosophes (Locke**, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Wollstonecraft) Idea that Enlightenment ideas about government led to revolutions (America, France, Latin America, sometimes Great Britain) Ideas of the Enlightenment used logic and reason and changed expectations of government Nationalism: definitions and identification Nationalism: Germany, Italy—caused new countries Nationalism: Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empire—caused divisions
Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Causes and Effects of the Industrial Revolution Agricultural innovations, enclosure, led to more food production with less labor Adam Smith and Wealth of Nations Technological innovations (spinning jenny, water wheal, power loom, steam engine, factory system) Sometimes contrast factory system with domestic (put-out) system Urbanization Growth of middle class Poor labor conditions and expectations that government address them (Ashley & Sadler Reports)
Imperialism White Man’s Burden—belief “civilizing” Social Darwinism Need for raw materials and new markets (economic justification) Positive and negative effects (esp. India, China) Rebellions and resistance (Sepoy, Boxer) Japan and Meiji Restoration Scramble for Africa (Berlin Conference)
Unresolved Global Conflict (WW1 & 2)
Unresolved Global Conflict (WW1 & 2) Causes of WW1 Effects of WW1 New technology in WW1? Russian Revolution & Marxism Stalin and totalitarianism Rise of Fascism in Europe (Hitler, rarely Mussolini) Appeasement Start of WW2 Geography and WW2 (Stalingrad, Britain) Hiroshima Holocaust
Cold War
Cold War Tensions between East and West (ideologies) Aggression by East, containment by West (NATO, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan) Expansion of communism into Cuba, Cuban Missile Crisis UN response and intervention in Korea Proxy Wars in Afghanistan and Vietnam Détente Gorbachev’s reforms (glasnost & perestroika)—usually identification Fall of Berlin Wall and collapse of communism Application of perspectives to questions…..
Decolonization and Nationalism
Decolonization and Nationalism Gandhi Muslim League and INC Ghana, Kenya nationalism movements Zionism as a movement Creation of Israel, Arab-Israeli Wars Palestinians, PLO, peace process Chinese civil war and then communist revolution China: Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Four Modernizations, Two Chinas?
Tensions between traditional cultures and modernization
Tensions between traditional cultures and modernization Urbanization and industrialization in developing world (usually general, but curriculum indicates all regions) Kemal Ataturk in Turkey Reza Pahlavi in Iran Technologies changing interactions Rise of fundamentalism Rise of terrorism
Globalization and a changing global environment
Globalization and a changing global environment Free market, export driven global economy WTO, World Bank, NAFTA EU Population growth and threat to environment (desertification, water shortages) International organizations and conflict (UN, NATO) Terrorism after 9/11 Rarely—green revolution (1970s)
Human Rights Violations
Human Rights Violations UDHR created and why Genocides (Armenians, Holocaust, Ukrainians, Pol Pot & Cambodians, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Darfur) Trials (Nuremberg trials, Japanese War Crime Trials, International Criminal Court) Apartheid in South Africa and resistance Misc.