Bell ringer:Bell ringer: What is a lease?
Leases Legally binding contract Outlines rights and responsibilities of landlord and tenant that protect both Sets rent for a given period
Eviction processEviction process Written notice is sent stating you are in violation of breach of the lease (5-10 days) Landlord files with court Summons sent to tenant Hearing is held to assess charges
Damage DepositsDamage Deposits Use check in/out sheet to document damages. Take photos Ask: What is it to be used for? When and how will it be returned?
Subletting Land lord needs to okay Get new lease/agreement signed Ask them for a damage deposit *You still may be liable for rent and damage during the sublease period*
Lease worksheetLease worksheet
How do you decide to spend on your rent? Spend no more then 1/3 rd of your take home pay on your rent.
How to decide where to live? Read the papers Look online Ask friends Walk around In the day and at night
What questions are good to ask a land lord?
Before you get approved for a credit they may do a credit check. Why?
When checking out apartments look for…. Exterior of the building-Good foundation-no cracks
Interior of the buildingInterior of the building Well constructed No water stains Well maintained Look for fire alarms in the halls and sprinkler system
Safety and securitySafety and security Dead bolt lock Peep hole Fire escape
Facilities and servicesFacilities and services Pool Washer and dryer Game room Maintenance
TOTD What are some good questions to ask the landlord?
What are some advantages and disadvantages of having a roommate?
Advantages Financial Emotional Housekeeping Social Security
Disagvantages Shared space Boyfriends/girlfriends (MAYBE) Pets Chores may not be equally shared
Basic rules of livingBasic rules of living Expectations-Dont expect a carbon copy of yourself Privacy No one is boss Give and take Share Quiet hours COMMUNICATION! Likes/dislikes, bed times, T.V. viewing, cleaning times, boyfriend/girlfriend,
Dear brilliant Independent Living student, I just moved in with my room mate to save money on rent. However she plays her music late into the night very loudly. She also never puts the dishes away, it is really getting on my nerves. We are close friends, so I dont want to offend them, however it is not fair for me to have to stay up late and do a lot of the work. What should I do? Signed, Not the maid
Please write a paragraph with suggestions for Not the maid keep in mind the basic rules of living we discussed
The vocabulary of apartment advertisements
Apartment Searching activity Listen to each scenario Pick out FOUR of the EIGHT You may do additional ones for extra credit Do not lose these scenarios, please bring them to class tomorrow. You will have the full class period to complete this activity.