Cornwall Housing Permanent Supportive Housing – 1122 Cornwall Ave
Cornwall Housing Response to a Community Need Utilizing Housing First Principals Strong Community Partnerships Meets the goals of the Whatcom County Ten-Year-Plan-to-End-Homelessness. Has received support letters or endorsements from: Whatcom County Coalition to End Homelessness, Homeless Coalition Steering Committee, Whatcom County Housing Advisory Committee, Whatcom County Sheriff, St Joseph’s Hospital, Whatcom Counseling and Psychiatric Clinic, Interfaith Community Health Center, Opportunity Council and the Whatcom Homeless Service Center, Whatcom County Health Department, Northwest Youth Services, and others. Presentations have been made to: Various committees of the County & City, Whatcom County Council, Bellingham City Council, Mayor Kelli Linville, Whatcom County Executive Jack Louws, Downtown Bellingham Partnership’s Board of Directors. Public meetings took place: August 21st, 2012 in the Sparks Museum for general public, January 30th, 2013 in the Leopold for Downtown Bellingham Partnership members, February 21st, 2013 YWCA ballroom as required by the Design Review Process. (This third meeting was the only public meeting that was required by city regulations.)
Permanent Supportive Housing for 42 homeless men and women High-barrier, Mentally-ill, Chronically Homeless Homeless Youth, 18-24 Year Olds Recommended Best Practice US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) US Interagency Council on Homelessness National Alliance to End Homelessness North Sound Mental Health Association
Sustainable Development Evergreen Sustainable Design Standard Features All Natural Material Flooring Use of Rain Screen Technology Use of High Content Recycled Materials No VOC Paints or Sealants Formaldehyde Free Recycle Construction Waste
Bellingham Levy Request One Time Rental Production Capital Loan $362,500 $300,000 for eligible project expenses, $ 62,500 to be held by City to pay the annual monitoring fee for 40 years. Total Development Cost of $9,722,456 Annual Rental Assistance and Supportive Services $177,998 $136,616 for 24/7 on-site staff, $25,200 for rent assistance, $16,182 for allowable administrative costs.