Oregon Speech Language Pathologist Cohort Program Fall Conference 2009
Oregon State Board of Examiners Presenters Ashley Northam Oregon State Board of Examiners Terry Herzberg Malheur ESD Lindsay Baustien Willamette ESD
Goals of Presentation To learn about the program To learn about the role of the district administrator To learn about licensure To review Cohort III recruitment materials To answer questions
Background: Oregon Cohort Program through Nova Southeastern University Program description Requirements Current cohorts Scholarships
Oregon Cohort Perspective 1. How has this program allowed you to access graduate training in SLP? 2. What made you choose Nova and not a more traditional graduate program? 3. How rigorous is the Nova program from an academic standpoint?
Oregon Cohort Perspective How is the Nova program different from the traditional graduate program as far as professionalism? 5. What effect has attending the Nova Oregon Cohort had on your professional practice as you are going through the program?
Oregon Cohort Perspective What commitment have you made to your employer for the time after you complete the Nova Oregon Cohort program? Why did you make such a commitment? 7. How effective is this strategy for tackling the shortage of SLPs in Oregon schools?
Oregon Cohort Perspective Do you think your completion of the Nova program in the Oregon Cohort will effect your desire to remain as an SLP in the Oregon schools? 9. What other comments would you like to make about your experiences with the Nova Oregon Cohort?
School District Perspective Recruitment within district / ESD Application process Agreement Mentoring Reporting to ODE
Oregon Board of Examiners Perspective Shortage in Oregon and nation Licensure
Cohort III Program begins February 2011 Timeline for recruitment Application Process Scholarships available
Cohort III Mentoring funds Timeline for Cohort work Requirements Materials