eNRICHing Mathematics http://nrich.maths.org
NRICH aim to encourage rich mathematical thinking in all classrooms for all learners By: creating rich mathematical tasks for our free website running workshops for learners providing CPD for teaching with rich mathematics tasks contributing to research and policy-making We are funded through grants and charitable donations.
What’s it Worth? Each symbol has a numerical value. The total for the symbols is written at the end of each row and column. Can you find the missing total that should go where the question mark has been put? Once one solution has been found: “Can you find the solution in a different way?” then “Here are eight different starting points for solutions, can you finish them all off?” (worksheet in TN) Finally, discuss which approaches are most elegant, pleasing, whatever. Rationale for using What’s it Worth? The main focus is not the solution but the approaches taken. We are interested in reasoning and justification, and people being able to make sense of each other’s thinking.
What’s it Worth? Take each of the starting points on your sheet and develop it into a solution. Which is your favourite method? Why?
Introducing Collections Themed collections Linked resources Teacher/Student audiences Curriculum content Mathematical processes
Factors and Multiples Game What Numbers Can We Make? What Numbers Can We Make Now? Take Three from Five Charlie’s Delightful Machine
Where would you use these? Why would you use these?
Curriculum areas: Pedagogical issues: Factors & Multiples Division & Remainders Number Sequences Pedagogical issues: Encourages students to be playful with numbers and engage with underlying structures Can promote better understanding and supports students’ number work in an engaging context Can lead to algebraic thinking
Working like a mathematician Mathematics is a creative discipline, not a spectator sport Low Threshold, High Ceiling tasks:Offer students genuine choice Give all students the chance to work mathematically Creativity in English – reading others’ work and writing work of your own. Creativity in maths – as well as being exposed to important mathematical results, creating mathematics of your own. LTHC – everyone has the right to get stuck and make mistakes in a safe environment, everyone has an entitlement to work mathematically.
Explaining and justifying Exploring Noticing Counter-Examples Conjecturing Proof Generalising Explaining and justifying
Rich tasks can replace routine textbook tasks, they are not just an add-on for students who finish first. …see the selected problems on the Curriculum Mapping Document
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