Purpose: to refine our understanding of formative and summative assessment. Focus: to interpret data to drive instructional practice.
Connection: between formative and summative assessment (including use of data) This professional development module will support participants in refining their understanding of formative and summative assessment. The focus is to interpret data to drive instructional practices.
As you view the video, think about a connection that you can share regarding formative and summative assessment After the video have participants turn and talk and share their take away.
Summative or Formative How would you classify these assessments and why? (table talk)
Summative or Formative How would you classify these assessments and why? (table talk)
Summative or Formative How would you classify these assessments and why? (table talk)
Have you created the road map for you unit Have you created the road map for you unit? Think of summative and formative assessment as a road map.
“Beginning With the End in Mind” Summative Assessments need to be designed in advance of instruction. Ask the questions: “What are your goals for student learning?”
Are you familiar with the skills the summative is asking? Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea. Here is an example snippet of a summative assessment from LEAD21. When reading the questions of the test Prior to designing the unit, do you know the standards and the skills for which the questions are addressing?
Formative and Summative Assessments should align in knowledge, skills, reasoning and/or product. Formative and summative assessments should be aligned with the skills, process, task and/or performance in the unit guide.
For example in this ELA unit guide there are both formative and summative assessments that are connected to the skills being taught. (Note, some of the assessments are in both categories formative and summative. The teacher makes the decision which assessment best drive their instruction.) Just as the sign shows the down arrow is your using the assessment as a summative, the up arrow as a formative to monitor and adjust your instruction.
“Sooner than Later” Use formative data to adjust instruction prior to summative assessment. Stop and think about how do you use formative data to adjust your instruction to get you to your destination.
Here a Envsion class room test report Here a Envsion class room test report. Table talk how the teacher use the data in this report to guide her instruction when teaching the standards in this topic.
Another example that teachers use is in the Analyze Class data from LEAD21 that breaks down the reading skills and strategies. How would this data help you with planning instruction? Table Talk
“Providing Student Accountability” Student reflection is key between formative and summative assessment, allowing student awareness of their strengths and weaknesses.
How do you have students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses? How often do they reflect on their progress towards mastery? What are the benefits of student’s self reflection on their progress? Have the tables talk about the questions.
Reflection is a key into student being involved in their own learning Reflection is a key into student being involved in their own learning. Ask participants to think about the following questions: “How do you have your students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses?” How often do they reflect on their progress towards mastery? What are the benefits of student’s self reflection on their progress.
Think about assessments, both formative and summative, choose a sign to discuss with your shoulder partner and how would you relate that sign to either formative or summative. What actions do you take?
“If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you got Albert Einstein Take a moment and write a take away that this presentation made you think about in your journey of assessments.