Project Overview & Existing Conditions Project Goals: Increase density and diversify housing options o Identify current exclusionary policies o How to make housing denser and more inclusive Why Smart Growth?
Project Overview & Existing Conditions Existing Conditions/Challenges o Low Density o Single Family o Older Housing stock o Aging Population o Low Population Growth
Smart Growth Audit Smart Growth CategoryScorePercentage Water, Sewer, Infrastructure3/3100% Regionalism3/3100% Efficient Land Consumption3/475% Water Quality3/475% Land Use5/771% Urban Form1/250% Open Space/Green Space3/650% Energy Conservation2/450% Permitting Processes1/250% Housing5/1145% Inward Direction of Growth2/540% Jobs-Housing Balance1/333% Parking1/520% Transportation2/1217% Density0/50% Air Quality0/20% TOTAL40/7851%
Smart Growth Recommendations Urban Form and Efficient Land Consumption o Maintain Inward Direction of Growth o Analyze Redevelopment and Infill Potential o Mixed Use by Right Housing, Density, and Affordability o Clarify affordability targets o Quantify bonuses and incentives o Density Minimums o Reduce Single Family Lot sizes o Utilize some element of form based code Jobs-Housing Balance o Create specific targets Transportation and Pedestrian Orientation o Interconnected Streets o Put land use on a diet o Require sidewalks in mixed use areas o Parking!
Zoning Variances Adjusted Lot Sizes Accessory Apartments Set Asides Encouraging Housing Diversity PUD Expedited Zoning & Approval Adjusted Fees Accessory Apartments Set Asides INCLUSIONARY POLICIES
Zoning Variances Adjusted Lot Sizes Accessory Apartments Set Asides Encouraging Housing Diversity Adjusted Lot Sizes Zoning Variances Density Bonuses Manufactured Homes Incentive for New Construction Technologies INCLUSIONARY POLICIES
Senior Housing Problems Baby Boomers Differing senior needs (go-go vs no-go) Community opposition & resistance to change Limited resources Aging-In-Place preference Aging housing stock Low housing turnover Recommendations Accessory Apartments Reduce Stigmas Additional senior income Meet A-I-P preference Universally designed Increase housing options for younger families Infill development Reduce reliance on H.O.M.E. Program
Encouraging Housing Diversity Good for affordable housing o Better access to jobs and amenities o More incentives for developers Less Parking Commercial rental income MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS Good for housing diversity o Appeals to target demographic o Least intrusive on existing developments o Creates community asset
Encouraging Housing Diversity ACHIEVING MIXED-USE Recommendations Rewrite PUD to be mixed-use friendly Write mixed-use ordinance with design specifications Provide regulatory incentives to developers
Conclusion Minnetonka facing demographic Pig in a python with an aging population and aging housing stock Connect Comprehensive Plan goals to housing policies o Smaller lot sizes o Make inclusionary housing a priority o Allow senior housing by right in high density residential and commercial districts o Actively pursue mixed-use within growth areas