AGENDA Welcome Back! Grab your Writing Portfolios, please! -Bellwork -Final Portfolio Grade/Assignment Info and Planning 3 Jan. 2012 “If there is a special Hell for writers it would be in the forced contemplation of their own works.” ~John Dos Passos
Bellwork 3 Jan. 2012 What’s been your favorite piece of writing so far this year? Why?
You’ve accomplished a lot! Writing pieces from this year so far: Random Autobiography (C/P) “Rainy River” Writing Prompt (P/R) TTTC Rhetorical Analysis Essay (R) (Portfolio Piece #1) (P/R) CIR Essay (P/R) Overnight Writes (x2?) (P) DOS Essay (R/L) Scholarship or Application Essays? (P)
Which ones do you want to come back to and work on some more? When you pick your portfolio pieces, you’re going to need representations of the following: 1 rhetorical/literary analysis essay 1 personal writing 1 “wild card” (can be either type of writing, or a new piece of writing you haven’t submitted yet) You need to be able to show how you’ve grown as a writer and how you’ve improved the piece- therefore, a “perfect” piece isn’t the best one to choose!
Parts of your final portfolio Table of Contents Author’s Statement Where you describe yourself as a writer, explain your feelings on writing in general, answer questions about your growth and efforts, and (most importantly?), grade yourself according to the rubric Portfolio Piece #1 (with intro letter and multiple drafts represented) Portfolio Piece #2 (with intro letter and multiple drafts represented) Portfolio Piece #3 (with intro letter and multiple drafts represented)
How will you be graded on this? In your reflection piece, you’re going to have to explain what grade you deserve (on each piece and for the overall portfolio) and why, USING LANGUAGE FROM THE RUBRICS! Along with the quality of your writing, you’re going to be graded on the quality of your reflection Areas for grading: Writing Development and Process Personal Reflection and Growth Quality of Entry Choices Written Presentation/Final Product Check out the rubrics!
What you need to be doing NOW Choose the pieces you want to improve Work on those improvements and type up new final drafts (don’t overwrite past drafts!) Type up your reflections on your writings You WON’T have in-class time for much of this work until the end of the month…but don’t wait that long!! Assignment due date: Show me Portfolio Piece #2 with reflection on Fri. 1/13 We’ll be in the lab Jan. 24 and on the day of your final for last typing and organization (Jan. 25th/6th, 26th/5th, 27th/4th) The whole final portfolio is due by the end of the school day on Jan. 27th. EVEN IF I DON’T SEE YOU THIS DAY, IT’S DUE!!!