About The National Rental Affordability Scheme Australian Government initiative to increase supply of Affordable Rental Dwellings by a minimum of 50,000. [40,000 currently approved, 6,000+ built and tenanted] Seeks to drive new investment, with a goal to attract institutional investment, via an NRAS Tax Free Incentive. Currently $9,524 per dwelling per year for 10 years Indexed. The Incentive is $7,143 from the Australian Government as a Fully Refundable Tax Offset Certificate and $2,381 from the State/Territory as a cash payment that is Tax Free each year. Newly built dwellings 1.5m households eligible to tenant nras [ Wide income criteria includes up to $44,000 for singles and up to $104,000 for families + 25% earning upper limit] QAHC-NRAS Rents are discounted by 25% from market rents and QAHC offers short and long term leases to tenants
ABOUT QAHC NFP Company & charity with skill based board of Directors Prof George Earl. Head of the Mirvac School of Sustainable Development. Bond University Karen Smith- Pomeroy. Head of Risk-Banking. Suncorp Bank Brad Hosking. Head of Business School. Swinburne University. Melbourne Jeff Dutton. Consultant on organisational development and risk management Steve Denaro. Chartered Accountant and business owner Specialises in NRAS & Affordable Housing. Facilitates Developers, Builders, Marketers and Property Managers Largest NRAS Approved Participant in Australia with 3,910 Allocations to deliver by June Sold over 1300 dwellings. Completed over 850 to date. Approved in Qld, NSW, Victoria and W.A Development partners include: Lendlease: Australand: AV Jennings: Mirvac: Stocklands: Peet: Property Solutions and leading NRAS Builders like Oracle and Parkside/Tropical homes and Rivergum Homes QAHC approach seeks to complement developer strategies in terms of mixed stock, mixed tenure and long term value.
TOWNSVILLE – 140 built and tenanted. 100 under construction and a total of 450 delivered by June 2014.
QAHC-NRAS Townhouses Major townhouse partners include AV Jennings, Heran Building Group and Vision 2000
QAHC-NRAS HOMES in Cairns, Chinchilla, Proserpine, Gladstone and Mackay
21 homes in Pimpama already tenanted and 9 homes in Big Sky Coomera and 20 in Mirvacs Gainsborough Greens and 5 in Ormeau under construction 8 schools within 10 km Gold Coast to Brisbane train service Accessible for shops and services 3 and 4 bed houses
Top Left: 39 NRAS Apartments in Caboolture-Tenanting now: Top Right: 30 NRAS Apartments in Redcliffe – All tenanted: Bottom Left: 28 NRAS Apartments in Brisbane-All Tenanted. Bottom Right. 32 NRAS Studio units in Ashfield, Sydney-At Fit-Out-All held by a single investment group
Tenanting Now- 54 X 1 and 2 Bed Units For over 55s in Caloundra Market Rent$280 Discounted Rent$210 Services and recreation on site Bus service located 25 m walking distance 2 km from Caloundra CBD
40x2 bed and 32 studio QAHC-NRAS apartments in Redcliffe. Developed and owned by Family Trust [Single Investor].
Qld Affordable Housing Consortium A National Leader in NRAS Delivery Mike Myers QAHC CEO and Company Secretary Montague Rd. South Brisbane. Qld 4101