What do we teach in Y2 Maths? Recapping on number bonds of 10 and 20 ( ie 8+2=10, 18+2= 20) this is then extended with larger numbers, (80 + 20 = 100 800 + 200 =1,000) Basic multiplication (fluent in 2s,5s and10s times tables, counting in 3s and 4s) including odds and evens Show how 5 times tables link to telling the time in intervals of 5 minutes Using the term multiples – linked to doubling Basic division, halving – understanding the link between multiplication and division (inverse) Recognising, finding and naming fractions1/3 ¼ 2/4 and ¾ of a length, shape and number of objects – counting in fractions Understanding equivalent fractions 2/4 ½ Estimation of numbers of objects and length etc. Addition and subtraction to 100 (to 1,000 with more able children)
What do we teach in Y2 Maths? Use column method for addition and subtraction Place value (ones, tens and hundreds) Time- know o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past, 5 minute intervals and be able to draw hands accurately on a clock face Measurement (weight, length, capacity) Money (everyday money- calculating change – linked to number bonds) Problem solving – word problems Using terms more than≥ and less than≤ Handling data ( graphing, tables, sorting data) Shape and space – learning 2D and 3D shape properties – faces, edges, vertices and to identify a line of symmetry Right angles and 90˚ turn as well as ½ and ¾ turns
Resources Number line Counters Number square Online games Multi-link cubes Number square Place value cards
Place Value We use place value cards in combination with tens and ones not units equipment. 100 squares to recognise values of numbers. i.e. make the number 245 Step 1: partition the numbers 2 hundreds, 4 tens and 5 ones Step 2: make that number with either equipment or place value cards.
Partitioning Lessons
Addition and Subtraction with a number square Adding 12 54 +12= 66 Step 1 :Partition the number (one 10, two ones) 10 & 2 Step 2: add on the 10 ( down 10 to the now row in column) Step 3 add on the ones ( jump right 2) Adding 10 go down 10 in the column Subtracting 10 jump back 10 in column Adding 1 jump right 1 Subtracting 1 jump left 1
Column Method (new way!) Addition without carrying T O 1 4 + 1 5 2 9 Addition with carrying TO 1 8 +1 5 3 3 1
Subtraction Lots of counting back in ones and tens from any number Knowing the number before and the number after Using a 100 square to jump back Use language appropriately – less than, fewer, minus, subtract, take-away etc.
When the children are confident we move onto larger numbers Subtracting 13 – 5 = 8 Step 1 underline the first number and draw a magic line Step 2 write the first number on the right-hand side of the line and jump back in 1s the number that is being taken away (5) -5 8 13 Then count back 5 from 13 When the children are confident we move onto larger numbers 43 – 15 = 28 -5 -10 Then count back 15 from 43 28 33 43
Subtraction new column method Subtraction without carrying T O 5 4 -1 2 4 2 Subtraction with carrying T O 4 1 5 4 -1 7 3 7
Using counting on in practical ways
Using a number grid for patterns and multiplication Colours show odd and even numbers clearly Learn the 2, 5 and 10 x table Use the term multiple Number square Ask children to say the next one in a sequence of numbers 4, 8,12 Hiding numbers on a number square
These are parts of a hundred square. Please fill in the missing squares. Now make up some of your own.
Early Multiplication 15 = 3 x 5 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 First recognize that multiplication is repeated addition No of lots how many per group 3 x 5 total 15 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15 Is the same as 3 lots of 5 or Use pictorial cues to represent a multiplication sum. Encourage them to write the sum: 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
Multiplication in Y2 Links to expanded method TO 30 + 9 = 39 Moving on to larger numbers We ensure that the children look at the number of 10s and ones TO 3 x 13 = 39 Circles are drawn and the appropriate number of 10s will be written into each set Then the ones are written into each set. The 10s will be added together and then the ones. 10 3 10 3 10 3 = 30 = 9 30 + 9 = 39 Links to expanded method
Division in Y2 We help children to see the link between multiplication and division (inverse) 12 ÷ 3 = 4 We then introduce larger numbers in this way TO 36 ÷ 3 = 12 10 2
Practical maths Making maths practical by using real materials. Use the term £ and count in £s. Try some of these at home with your child. Using coins u sing food Using measuring cups cooking
Curriculum for Y2 2016-2017 The expectation for the children is certainly more challenging than it ever has been before. We will work with you in partnership to ensure that our children are successful learners at Engayne. .
Use the MY MATHS allocated games and materials. On line games Children love games that will engage them and enhance their learning. Try some of these site links. Use the MY MATHS allocated games and materials.