Presenting: Launch Pad An interactive, content rich platform driving attention to your Product Launch
Presenting: Launch Pad An innovative way to showcase your new products and initiatives UBM Electronics is proud to present Launch Pad – an editorially hosted, multi-sponsored site that allows you to showcase and distribute your new product information, technical content / resources, and marketing initiatives. Visibility on UBMe contextually relevant site Centralized location Easy to implement Social media integration Drives traffic to client’s site 2
Based on UBM Proven Results Launch Pad Success Based on UBM Proven Results UBM had deployed over 18 editions of the Launch Pad, including one special edition “Women of the Channel” and over 4 Single Sponsored editions (averaging 5 months each) over the past year and a half. Over 50% of the sponsors in the multi- sponsored edition go on to participate for more months. On average sponsors have more than 100 unique visitors to their page as well as over 30 asset views/downloads per month
Sponsor Information – Landing Page 4
Sponsor Information – Secondary Page 5
How It Works Educate and enable customers and prospects on new launches. A new Launch Pad is deployed each month with a maximum of 5 customers. The Launch Pad includes a welcome video introducing the launches for that month and providing additional relevant perspective on the product launches for the audience. The Launch Pad’s landing page features your company’s logo and a short description (rotating positions) The viewer can click on your logo to see all relevant content on your Launch. You can refresh your content monthly, for as long as you are a part of the program. 6
How It Works Put the tools your customers and prospects need in their hands Reinforce your messaging with a link to your website and up to five supporting assets, each with a short description. Includes: White papers, case studies, product specifications, product demonstrations, links, videos, documents, webcasts, and more. Social sharing tools make it easy to expand the audience via the ability to send to colleagues or post to popular networking sites. 7
Easy to get started. Easy to grow and adapt to your needs. Have It Your Way Easy to get started. Easy to grow and adapt to your needs. Turnkey solution; Project Management Site Development & hosting Promotion: Minimum 250k impression (ROS banners / newsletters / fixed promotional visibility on branded sites) Reporting: Site activity: page views, unique visitors, time spent Asset activity: client page views, asset clicks Client Deliverables: Logo Up to 5 Assets: (link or file) Completed Content Form All content updatable monthly Timeline: Ad close: 3 weeks out (hold list on google doc) Materials close: 2 weeks out 8