Provided by: Arezoo Gazerzadeh, Charles Chang, and Sowmya Pasala
Stonehenge apartment has been founded in 1999 next to Kemah, down by the Space Center. This complex is comprised of 45 units of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom apartments. Currently the advertising is done through walk-in customers The staff does all record keeping by hand, on paper.
Web-based portal for present and potential tenants. On-line rent payment Maintenance request and tracking Apartment information Web-based administration site for employees. Enter revenue and expenses Change apartment information and amenities Add/change tenant information Database for storage of apartment, tenant, and accounting records.
4 processes Process Employee Maintain Tenant Maintain Apartment Track Finances Process Application Request Maintenace 3 External entities Employees Applicant Tenant 4 Data stores Employee Apartment Tenant Finances Maintenace