Do Now: Work on Study Guide Questions 13-16 Materials: Notebook opened to new page titled Ch 14 Textbook Have Out: Review Guide 3 Supreme Court Cases and Summaries Thursday, Jan 5th Do Now: Work on Study Guide Questions 13-16
Compare Pictures and Music: Washington How would you describe the people that attended Washington’s inauguration? This painting shows George Washington on his way to his inauguration in 1789.
Compare Pictures and Music: Washington How would you describe the people that attended Washington’s inauguration? What adjective describes “Hail Colombia” 's mood? This painting shows George Washington on his way to his inauguration in 1789.
Compare Pictures and Music: Jackson In this image, Andrew Jackson stops to greet people after winning the presidential election in 1828. How would you describe the people in the image that supported Andrew Jackson?
Compare Pictures and Music: Jackson In this image, Andrew Jackson stops to greet people after winning the presidential election in 1828. How would you describe the people in the image that supported Andrew Jackson? What adjectives describe the song’s mood? How do you think Andrew Jackson’s presidency might have differed from that of George Washington?
WRAP 14.1 (pg. 257) Who were the two candidates of the 1828 election? 14.1 Introduction WRAP 14.1 (pg. 257) Who were the two candidates of the 1828 election? What is mudslinging? Where did Jackson’s supporters come from?
14.2 From the Frontier to the White House (pg. 128) How was Jackson’s early life? What did Jackson do after the war? How did Jackson become “widely known”? What happened in the election of 1824? What new party did Jackson’s supporters start? Who did they represent? What is Jacksonian Democracy?
In class time to work Work on questions from 14.1-.14.2 on worksheet Jackson T-chart
Do Now: Work on Study Guide Questions 39-42 Materials: Notebook Textbook Have Out: Review Guide Ch.14 Vocab Friday, Jan 6th Do Now: Work on Study Guide Questions 39-42
This image shows Jackson’s inauguration This image shows Jackson’s inauguration. With your elbow partner, find three unique and meaningful details in the image. Be prepared to share what the detail is and why it is significant (also on pg. 260)
14.3 The Inauguration of Andrew Jackson (pg. 260) How would you describe Jackson’s inauguration? (1st +last Paragraph) Until 1820 who had the right to vote? How/why did new states in the west challenge these voting restrictions? Because of western states, who now had a right to vote? Who was still excluded? How did the everyday citizen, new voter, view Jackson’s presidency?
What hopes do you have for Jackson’s presidency? Table groups will be assigned to take on the character of either the rich banker or the poor farmer. Discuss with your table how your character would respond to these four interview questions, plus possible follow up questions. Everyone at your table should be prepared to answer! What hopes do you have for Jackson’s presidency? What fears do you have for Jackson’s presidency? If you had a chance to meet Jackson, what will you say to him? Do you think Jackson will promote democracy during his presidency? Why or why not? Rich banker Poor farmer
14.4 Jackson’s Approach to Governing (pg. 261) Who helped Jackson make most of his important decisions? How did rich men view this practice? What action did Jackson take that further upset Republicans? How did Jackson view civil service jobs? Why? What did Jackson’s opponents accuse him of doing for his political supporters?
Rest of class Work on 14.3-14.4 questions http://msciminohistoryclass.weebly .com/a-jackson--political- cartoons.html